possible to install crysis on a different computer

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:04 pm

Hey guys im new and my question is if i install crysis maximum on this computer i have now will i be able to install it on to a different pc if i uninstall it from the pc i first installed it on? ty

P.S how do you change your display name i tryed for half an hour now i still dont know >.>
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:22 am

I think there is a revoke tool floating around somewhere that will allow you to revoke the install you have and install it to additional computers. If i recall correctly you are allowed 5 installs without revoking any of the previous ones (not simultaneous installs, just you can install it 5x on different computers or if you change a substantial amount of parts on 1 computer). When you try to install it the 6th time it will tell you something like the key cannot be verified etc. but if you call EA a customer support person can add more install limit to your key code. Note: This is not to install the game on your computer and every one of your friends computers, its only to allow you to change which computer you have it installed on a limited number of times.

But to answer your original question yes you can uninstall it and install it approx. 5x each time on a different machine but you will eventually run into the problem with not revoking the previous installs if you are like me and change equipment alot and forget to revoke them. here is the tool i was talking about http://activate.ea.com/deauthorize/deauthtool/DeAuthManagementTool.exe Note: I see it is required for Crysis warhead to deactivate but not 100% sure about the Maximum Edition, but i would download it and run it just to be sure.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:16 am

ahh ok ty i only asked this is because im buliding my new computer now and its the first ime im changing computers
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