Possible to join fight in Nelson without fighting?

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:24 am

I really want to do it, but the last mission I did for Camp Forlorn set me to Neutral with the big " C ".
Found the supply cache and they saw me even cloaked. I thought if I let Ed E and Veronica kill them I wouldn't lose any rep.
I did

I have the Mark of Caesar.

I just want to watch the fight, but don't need the rep hit.

Not that big of a deal...just puttering around for the rest of the Remnant armor and found this place.

Guess I missed a whole bunch of stuff down here.
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Chantel Hopkin
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:07 am

Nah, you either with NCR or with Legion in Nelson. During my first play through, I talked to the Ranger at the road block, but didn't like that he wanted to kill the hostages. So, I did my own thing. Went in there, freed the hostages and killed the Legion. LOL
So, yea, it's and either/or situation. I never went with the Forlorn Hope forces, but I guess if you show up with the NCR, you will get a bad Legion rep. I mean you can try and just don't kill anyone. lol
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Jerry Cox
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:26 pm

Yeah, I did the free the captives from Nelson on my way to Vegas but didn't go further.

I'm going to leave my companions behind and try it out.

Don't want to have to fight my way to Caesar. I plan on killing him though.

His death will be as slow as I can make it. Made a promise to Boone after I got him tragically killed by some Deathclaws. His last dying words were of his wife....and a meatball sandwich.
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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:25 am

Yeah, I did the free the captives from Nelson on my way to Vegas but didn't go further.

I'm going to leave my companions behind and try it out.

Don't want to have to fight my way to Caesar. I plan on killing him though.

His death will be as slow as I can make it. Made a promise to Boone after I got him tragically killed by some Deathclaws. His last dying words were of his wife....and a meatball sandwich.

LOL I hear ya. I'm doing or TRYING a Legion play through right now. However, I guess I just go as far as getting into the safe house, get the Lucky shades and then go and wipe out the Legion. :D
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