Is there any possible script you can give an item to cause it to reenable itself after activation after a certain amount of in game time passes? From the looks of it, if you knock over an item after a certain amount of time has passed it will place itself back to its original spot, but if you take it, it stays gone. I'm wondering if there's a way to change that.
Another question I have is, is it possible to make a timer that responds on in game time? All I've seen are ones that respond on real time.
Thank you in advance for any help.
EDIT: Alright so, as of this far I've somewhat have been able to replicate this concept using this script I made.
SCN PanRespawnfloat ftimerint isactivatedshort DoOncebegin onactivateif isactivated == 0set isactivated to 1endifendbegin gamemodeif isactivated == 1 if DoOnce == 0 player.additem PanCookingMetal 1 disable set DoOnce to 1 endif if ( ftimer <= 5 ) set ftimer to ftimer + getSecondsPassed else enable set isactivated to 0 set DoOnce to 0 set ftimer to 0 endifendifend
Is there a way to add this onto ammo as well and possibly replace the timer with one based on in game time?