Possible Mod Bug?

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:55 pm

Normally I would put this question in bug fixes and errors, but I decided to try it here first.

I just reinstalled New Vegas after a long abscence (during which I upgraded my video card to a nVidia 560ti), and I had been playing it rather smoothly until recently.

I noticed that I had a bug that would only appear occasionally outdoors. For some reason, red exclamation points (missing mesh indicators) would appear where they had not been previously (I.E., I load a save in Novac, go into my hotel room, and come back outside), textures would disappear (the chameleon bug), and the sound for my weapons would disappear. After a few seconds, the gae would crash.

I was unsure if this was a mod issue or not. Considering I ran New Vegas just fine before my upgrade, I did not think it would be a RAM issue, but it sure looked like it, considering the errors usually appeared in busy areas like New Vegas itself or Goodsprings, but not in the wilderness. So I thought I would check in here and see if any of you guys know if it is mod related. Here's the load order.

00 FalloutNV.esm
01 DeadMoney.esm
02 HonestHearts.esm
03 OldWorldBlues.esm
04 LonesomeRoad.esm
05 Lings.esm
06 GunRunnersArsenal.esm
07 ClassicPack.esm
08 MercenaryPack.esm
09 TribalPack.esm
0A CaravanPack.esm
0B Project Nevada - Core.esm
0C NosCo Companion System.esm
0D Caliber.esm
0E Weapon Mod Expansion.esm
0F FOOK - New Vegas.esm
10 EZ_CompanionNVSE.esm
11 FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esm
12 AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm
13 More Perks.esm
14 More Perks for Companions.esm
15 More Traits.esm
16 More Challenges.esm
17 WME - DLCs.esm
18 Herculine's NCCS Companions Volume 1.esm
19 CaliberXhonesthearts.esm
1A CaliberXgunrunners.esm
1B WME - GRA.esm
1C Community Bugfix Compilation Patch.esp
1D Cass_Redux.esp
1E Mutant Eyes.esp
1F FOOK - New Vegas.esp
20 FOOK - New Vegas DLCs.esp
21 Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp
22 BluesRadioNV.esp
23 ExtendedNVRadio.esp
24 NewVegasBounties.esp
25 More Perks Update.esp
26 More Perks for Companions Update.esp
27 Carpenter's Nail Gun.esp
28 More Traits Update.esp
29 SaveCass.esp
2A LegendaryHunter.esp
2B 30mmVladimirGun.esp
2C Camon Bren (Hidden Supply Cave).esp
2D Camon MG42 and SS Outfit.esp
2E DWSigP226.esp
2F DWSpas12.esp
30 DWUSP45.esp
31 FingerOfGodNV.esp
32 G36C.esp
33 hz_SVD.esp
34 Jswords4sale.esp
35 KerberosPanzer.esp
36 Kerberosweapons.esp
37 M14.esp
38 MoraelinsixoticBladesMod.esp
39 MoraelinsHalberds.esp
3A Mossberg590.esp
3B R700.esp
3C ServiceCarbine.esp
3D Walther P99.esp
3E WeaponsOfTheShogunate.esp
3F AirForceArmorT57C.esp
40 Armory_of_Xzax.esp
41 DeepEyesNV.esp
42 DragonskinTacticalOutfit.esp
43 DragonskinBonusPack.esp
44 Fiendish Power Armor.esp
45 Geonox_Riot_Armor.esp
46 Geonox_Wasteland_outfits.esp
47 UrgeWasterScarf.esp
48 AWOPLowLootGeneral.esp
49 Caesars_Legion_Overhaul.esp
4A drgNV - Marcus Companion.esp
4B SunnyCompanion.esp
4C UnlimitedCompanions.esp
4D aaaJNFSniperZooming.esp
4E RangerYosemite.esp
4F Nevada Skies - URWLified.esp
50 Classic APA.esp
51 SP_AirmanBattleUniform.esp
52 flintlock.esp
53 MoraelinsEuropeanGreatsword.esp
54 SamuraiArmor.esp
55 SGD's GAT-50 Hellstinger.esp
56 NRCberets.esp
57 Walther WA2000FONV V1.0.esp
58 G36C_moddable.esp
59 MoraelinsGladius.esp
5A MoraelinsRomanSpear.esp
5B DW1911.esp
5C 700 Nitro Express.esp
5D kaelischieftanspride.esp
5E Crossbow.esp
5F MoraelinsUrukHaiBladeMod.esp
60 Railway Rifle 2.0.esp
61 Holy Hand Grenade.esp
62 Savior Pack.esp
63 Level 60 Cap No Perk.esp
64 NV Desert Eagle.esp
65 DWMk23.esp
66 DWGlockSet.esp
67 DWM1014.esp
68 PKM.esp
69 Dragunov SVD.esp
6A HK416MOD.esp
6B Ranger Denali.esp
6C Camon Wolf Chief (Death Wind).esp
6D Camon BAR + BAR LMG (Goodsprings).esp
6E Camon AKS 47 Black Hidden Valley.esp
6F DGPzf60.esp
70 Raging Bull.esp
71 Camon Wolf Jaw.esp
72 SOGFusionTomahawk.esp
73 Barrett M82a1.esp
74 Geonox_Wasteland_Shirt.esp
75 BarrettM468.esp
76 Nano Suit NV.esp
77 AN-94 Abakan.esp
78 DWMW2CombatKnife.esp
79 Geonox_Restored_Riot_Armor_GLOVE_VERSION.esp
7A Geonox_Restored_Riot_Armor.esp
7B Prototype Power Armor.esp
7C DGRecoillessWeaponSystem.esp
7D DGRpzb54.esp
7E HeavyLaser.esp
7F Sturmgewehr44.esp
80 WME - GRA - Complete.esp
81 MArmingSword.esp
82 Saiga-12.esp
83 RivensUSMarineDressBlues.esp
84 1 Camon WolfJaw 1.2.esp
85 AWOPDeadMoney.esp
86 TF - NV - 6PACK - Hv.esp
87 1 Camon Type 93.esp
88 PlasmaLauncher.esp
89 1 Paratrooper Automatic Rifle.esp
8A JoOsArmory.esp
8B BloodyWarGames.esp
8C Cafe Of Broken Dreams - Jericho.esp
8D Bashed Patch, 0.esp
8E Veveveronica.esp
8F Cass_Redux_Raven.esp
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Joey Avelar
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:14 am

Too many mods. I'm not kidding. Remove a few and the problems should stop.

Most people start having trouble at around 140. You're at 143, so that fits the bill.

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Kate Schofield
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:15 pm

Sounds fair. The vast majority of the mods just add items, so I believe I could add those in manually like I did for Fallout 3 and Oblivion-to tell the truth, I just got lazy with New Vegas and enabled the .esp files. Still, would that cause the errors I am experiencing?
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meghan lock
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:33 am

Too many mods causes exactly what you're having happen, namely, models / textures / sounds arbitrarily failing to load. The contents of any given mod doesn't seem to matter for this particular issue; the game's engine seems to be choking when trying to keep track of so many. I forget exactly where the thread is, but quite a while ago some users did some trial-and-error testing to tease out the limits for how many concurrent mods (specifically ESM/ESP files) New Vegas would support, and for most of them, it was around 140; a few people could get the game to handle a dozen more or a dozen less, but that was it.

So yes, you having 143 mods loaded could cause the errors you're seeing.

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Skrapp Stephens
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:33 am

Thank you-I disabled ten or so, and the game is working much better. Thank you for the tips...I forgot what the limit was for this game. Been using mods since Oblivion, and I haven't made the error since, so I feel pretty stupid. :) Thanks for all of your help, guys.
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Umpyre Records
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