I've been having a problem with animations recently. It's difficult to explain so bear with me.. At first it was when I sat down. Any time I sat down on a chair etc once I got up again my camera would have moved.. to about three feet to the LEFT of my character. Going into first person gave you a view of something similar to a fly buzzing three feet from my head, but third person works fine. It is hard to explain... the camera view would move so you're not seeing first person anymore, so your arms, hands, weapons etc would not be visible and it would be difficult to fight etc. As I said, going into third person shows as normal. Lately, after installing a mod that gives new animations for H2H and Bow first and third person animations, it now happens whenever I take out a weapon. Bow, sword, shield, even hands are now unseen and it does the strange 'this is a person looking over your shoulder' thing. I hope I've explained it well... it is a very strange occurance and thanks in advance for any help you may give. Cheers