Wow, Gluby, that is quite the posting spree you had there (but you did pretty well address everything since your last post, kudos

:deal: Yeah, I went pretty crazy.
Estimated Time of Release: [ . . . ]
Lavatories/Bathing: [ . . . ]
Herbalism Integration: [ . . . ]
Creature Harvesting: [ . . . ]
Restaurants/Food of the Gods: [ . . . ]
Ingredient ESM: I am intrigued, please do explain more on what you are envisioning with this idea
Wildlife/Creature Mods: I think my point with this is being missed, I am not suggesting full integrations, but more integrations of logical things that could add to the flavor (varied ages of wildlife which makes a nice compliment to Emma's Children Mod, or even nesting sites if done more logically, and possibly incorporated into the graphical herbalism aspect if that too is added). New creatures in general, and that sort of thing, should be left to mods like PirateLord's to truly expand upon the content (my suggestion is to add a level of realism to the current content).
Alchemy vs Practical Use: The idea Tocatta mentioned, though I could see as to how it could cause confusion if not done just right, of adding some Misc items to creatures to handle food, and thus taking most of food from the realm of alchemy and making a distinction between the two aspects. Would this not just require a little leveled list tweaking possibly? I am still somewhat fresh in leveled lists myself, as my modding has taken me to different avenues so far. What could some other pitfalls be here?
Gotcha on the points ellipsed at the top of the quote.
NoM Master Data ESM: The ingredient ESM (which could very well just be the main NoM data ESM, sort of how TR splits their up) would contain a fairly inclusive and standardized compilation of all release-quality ingredients out there from many mods, along with a NOM_Ref_Room interior cell where they are stored. This could include gems, crafting ingredients, many things indeed, all of them balanced according to NoM's basic standards. It could also contain basic NoM scripts and any other important things that tend to be referenced by NoM-compatible mods. Now, Ascadian Rose Cottage, instead of even bothering to have to worry about the tisane script, or having to include, say, INGR definitions for oranges and apple, can simply be dependent upon the NOM_Master_Data.esm.
On the other end, it would not require or even enable the actual NoM scripting functions (and I'm wondering whether it would need to include the world changes -- food shops and so forth). Thus, it could be a foundation resource without requiring someone to actually use NoM. Of course, as always, it would require permissions, but most permissions for this kind of stuff is already granted out there.
The more I think about this, the more I like it. It's sort of the kind of thing I have been wanting for my own game for a long time.
Wildlife Creature Mods: I may be under a mistaken impression (forgive me if I am). I haven't assumed you mean a wholesale integration. I have been under the impression you intend a selective incorporation of the best elements, though I communicated that poorly, what with talking about my disenchantment with its clearly worst elements. (Sorry about that.)
I am wary of the variant creatures, given that I am generally wary of including any elements that seem to be fairly definitely outside the mod's scope, and that are fairly definitely
inside the scope of other projects (for compatibility and future integrative reasons, mainly -- for example, what if a new and generally-appealing creature includes those young and variant creatures in a different way -- now take them out of NoM or make the mods compete or require patching?). And the nesting sites I did not like so much (mostly, I must admit, because the meshes and eggs were, as I recall, fairly rudimentary in mesh/tex design) -- but even so, it still does seem kinda the sphere of dedicated creature mods. :shrug: It won't likely conflict with other creature mods, but it will likely clash, and so, while I am not dead-set, my basic take on creature mods is that there is already a bit of clash between different major creature mods that needs to be systematically dealt with at their own level. To do so in NoM merely creates yet another entrant into the field and makes for more complications in that sphere, or that is how it strikes me, anyway. I could just be being a bit too conservative on it, though, I must confess. If you want to show specifics, I'll look at it with an open mind. :read:
Alchemy/Practical Use -- Food as Misc Items vs. Food as Ingredients: I'm no expert on leveled lists, though I've done a bit of reading on it (and that one little minor mod), and so, as far as I know, such things could easily be added to creature leveled lists.
I don't think it's such a good idea to create food-grade misc. item variants of existing ingredients, though. It makes for a whole bunch of additional items; incompatibilities or clashes (for example, with the slew of new food-type Ingredients in TR); the spreading of food into three categories (Ingredient, Potions and now Misc. Items) instead of the two (in NoM food resides only in Ingredient), thus making for a messier inventory screen; and the horrible scripting complexity Toccatta mentions below. Plus, as he also pointed out, there is no need to assume alchemical-grade Ingredients can't serve for food. And lore says many of them do, which means we would be conceptually committed to making two kinds of comberry, two kinds of scrib jelly, and so forth, creating what sounds like it will be a lot of scripting bloat.
While a bit of additional complexity can often yield a great deal of additional enjoyment, here I don't think the payoff would be so much worth it. We can avoid cheapening alchemy by leaving most food-type items with only one alchemical use -- poison or damage health or something. Though I'm also keeping in mind potions-as-weapons mods, and want to avoid making it so poisons themselves are cheapened. It would best be accomplished by the use of a totally worthless effect one way or another -- no real harm, no real benefit. Perhaps just Remove Curse (which will be "Food" or "Satisfy Hunger" or something under this mod -- Toccatta's and Drac's MC method) -- but then we have to worry about Food Potions, but we can probably take care of that possibility as well. (Even then, hey, in Rogue and ADOM and similar games there are food potions.)
[ . . . ] I'm assuming that most herbalism mods don't actually modify creatures (although that IS an assumption, and may be completely wrong), so changing creatures wouldn't have the same risk of conflict. [ . . . ]
On the other hand, from the perspective of alchemy-grade vs food-grade, it's obvious why a food-grade item wouldn't work for alchemy (the whole point of making food-grade items is to protect alchemy from becoming unbalanced), but there's no logical reason why an alchemy grade item shouldn't work for food. i.e. just because a comberry is alchemically "perfect" doesn't mean it won't be just as tasty in that pie you're planning on baking.
If one DOES allow alchemy grade items to be used for cooking, it would drastically increase the complexity of the scripts needed, since every component would have two possible sources. Something with only three ingredients, for example, would have 8 possible permutations that would need to be checked, while a complex meal requiring 5 ingredients would have 32 permutations! I wouldn't want to be the person writing that script.
That's what I meant when I said having separate food-grade items could get ugly. It sounds good in theory, but when it comes down to coding all the various possibilities, it turns rather nasty. That is, ultimately, why I went with the alchemy/practical ratio idea... such that one alchemically perfect comberry is the equivalent of a pound or two of merely edible ones, then I wrote the recipes accordingly. It makes the scripts much easier to write, but it has the side effect of making it much more difficult to increase the food production of plants and animals without unbalancing alchemy.
On the first part (creature scripts) -- having canvassed most, if not all, herbalism mods fairly thoroughly, I think that's correct. The risk, though, would be realized, for example, with Creatures, which places stat- and size-randomizing scripts on most creatures and wildlife (which also
sort of occupies the field of creature variation, as well). Place a script on an Alit, and you've just either overridden or had your script overridden by the
plx_stat_randomiser script. So, basically, it's safe to say that the creature mods own the creature scripts.

On the MC scripts -- you know, I really need to take a close look at your scripts to see how you went about it. I thought I'd just 'pop' this little revision of Reign of Fire out 'real quick' since I had already done a bit of work on it, and it's svcked up my time trying to get it releasable. NOW I see what a PitA it is to get fairly complex mods out for release... whew.
Okay, I know this is kind of a mickey mouse little script, remember, it is far short of the finished version which was lost. This was a beta version.
I had it started by another script when sufficient drink had been ingested in too short a time. By the way, my objection to the NOM drunkeness was that just going blind and falling down seemed a bit boring, and the fact that luck was not restored to it's proper place after sobering up. [ . . . ]Have fun with it, you're free to use it in any way you wish...
Thanks! I'll check it out. And, yeah, the drunkenness methodology is a little mild. Between the ideas floating around here, including Fliggerty's methods, we've got some fun ways of working with this.
I noticed two things,
the wells changing the land in a bad way in some places... (as mentioned above)
the lack of visual indicators. The small penalties got bigger and bigger until at some point I died.
I don't think shaders will cut the need for visual indicators. I think it should be done with animations, lot's of animations. Maybe with enough energy in here, we can overcome the animation limitations... Shaders are not enough for alcohol effects for example. It would be cool to see third person staggering animations in the MCA for my PC character. And more stuff for hunger, thirst...
Re: Bad Land Changes: If you see those things, can you post BCs of them here? (Beta Comments)
You probably already know, but just in case and for everyone else who sees this and is not aware, Beta Comments, which have to be enabled in the INI, allow you to have the game store very precisely identified notes on problematic objects of any sort -- just open console, click on the item in question, and type:
bc "this item has X problem"
A bit more precise than a screenshot. Just make sure you have changed the "Beta Comment File=" line in your Morrowind.INI file to "Beta Comment File=BetaComment.txt" (or any filename you like).
Re: Lack of Visual Indicators: Really? It gives you lots of messages, and it shouldn't happen that you starve to death or die of thirst unexpectedly. While there is no obvious visual indicator (apart from the red icon showing you have some sort of stat drain affecting you), there is a lot of textual feedback.
Animations sound
very ambitious, and way beyond the scope of what I could do. I am not sure how such a thing could be implemented without fairly sweeping changes (again, though, I am fairly new to many things involved), but if someone feels like they can do it and wants to propose it, please do.
For bathing I see two things
sea(works well as in LOST),
public bath houses: Turkish Bath. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_bath
Ottoman culture fits Morrowind quite well.
For cooking, sometimes in real life you can't find enough ingredients to make one meal. And you improvise... Checking scripts can go only for 4-5 ingredients(lowering permutations) and only if you have all ingredients for the meal(after you cooked it) then it can be named fully(predefined list) or it will be named mealish or you can gave it a new name if the stats turn good.
Turkish Bath Houses: Actually,
that really is appealing. I kind of cringe at outhouses and medieval European style stuff in Morrowind, but that really seems to fit well thematically. Morrowind is a sort of anologue to the Middle-east.
Fault-Tolerant Cooking Scripts: Not a bad idea conceptually. But it sounds like we'd need to use the game coding used for alchemy, which wouldn't work, and scripting can't, as far as I know, be used to make new items. So, likely, it would require the creation of at least two versions of every meal, which is something of an enlargement. A good idea to keep in mind if we find it feasible -- the scripts can certainly be written to be a little fault-tolerant of one missing ingredient.
One problem I've been having with my TC is that some races have huge amounts of magicka... so if they use it all, when they rest until healed, they get their magicka back, and die of thirst hunger immediately. I know I can solve this, and I'm not too concerned about it, but it's just an indicator of how things can have unintended consequences.
That's also a complaint I had about NOM was the fact that if you slept an inordinate amount of time, you could wake up and be killed by a rat (not mention an assassin) before the script processed enough to enable your abilities again. I loved NOM, but there are some issues....
Dying of Thirst While Resting Until Healed with Huge Magicka Reserves: Hmm. The NoM-based solution would be to turn off the accumulation of hunger and thirst when sleeping, although it might just be more appropriate to use a Magicka regeneration mod for uber Magicka races.
Dying When Waking Up from Extended Sleep Because Scripts Don't Complete Before a Creature Kills You: I never had that happen to me, but perhaps we could easily solve it by making that processing occur in a while loop rather than standard conditionals. If you sleep for that long, you just have to deal with a two-or-three-second pause, but it would solve that problem.