Very difficult to keep a reply to this much content brief and sparsely-quoted to avoid bloating without making it necessary for the reader to refer up to the last posts to see what I'm referring to, so forgive the length.
[Re Bathing/Lavatory Item Placements] [ . . . ] when one considers a person should be able to bath in nearly any water source provided they have some soap in inventory, so bath houses would not be a huge need[.] Further, some of the resources I looked over for this potential include would be fairly unobtrusive in a lot of cases (though it would still be a considerable chunk of extra placement, but I am willing to do this if their is desire for it so these things can all be housed in a single plugin to cut down load orders).
I think it would be best that if we do include these options that they do stay in the primary plugin, but the use of scripts behind it being controlled through the config menu (turning off bathing and lavatory scripts). Doing this would still mean having the needed objects placed in the world for a little extra ambiance, but those objects being as useful as most Misc. Items in the game world that are there for no other reason than to give the illusion of life. Further, I would also be willing to take the time to try and ensure item placement compatibility on my end, via comparing placements with other mods running with NoM. I would then use the statistically least likely to conflict method of placement, and provide patches where needed for other mods. [ . . . ]
That sounds very reasonable, though I am still a little chary of the trade-off between {a} including all that additional placement and potential complexity where a good number of users may find it unwelcome, even with conscientious placement, and {b} taking up one more plugin slot. I could agree to fusing two functions where they are minor and easily separable, but the bathing and lavatory functions really are an injection of a whole lot of new gameworld locational content that are certainly worthy of their own slot to maintain modularity. Furthermore, the plugin limit is not near the limitation it was before the MPP (after all, so many patches are now obsolete), and many mods can be safely merged via TESAME or the CS for power-modders who still break that envelope. But here, I still find separate ESPs much more preferable to obligatorily including gameworld content for NoM users who will find it unwelcome. We could, though, include both a merged version and separate ESPs to satisfy the best of all worlds.
- incorporating ingredients and foodstuffs from other mods - a definite 'necessity'. The question is how far to go? Already between Srikandi's Alchemy, Wilderness Mod, Water Life, RW, MC, Silgrad Tower, MWA, and numerous other mods, the ingredient list is becoming overwhelming. As for prepared foods, you find interesting treatments in MCA as well as Princess Stomper's and Korana's work to the point having not only main dishes, but vinaigrettes for the main dishes. For drink, there's a lot of stuff on offer in Silgrad Tower and the Vivec Outdoor Mall (VOM). So... Should everything be pooled and a cap placed on further additions, or should a more open-ended system be the aim to accommodate future mods? [ . . . ] But quite frankly, from bread to stewed scrib cabbage and everything in between, I think the variety is there already. To that end...
Interesting, Huskobar... I had not known about Silgrad Tower or the vinaigrettes (and the latter really got an unexpected laugh out of me when I read it the first time

), and had forgotten about VOM. We'll need to check those out, along with PS and Korana's work.
But, yes, that is the question. Some selectivity will be definitely needed -- injudiciously including everything would be a disaster, especially when you consider notable stylistic departures (of which NoM already contains a number -- I think it might be worthwhile to invite art replacements for a number of things, if that is not found objectionable) and outright quality deficiencies (such as non-transparent icon backgrounds and things like that, as well as more obvious types of quality deficiencies). Personally, I love variety, but, yeah, too much is too much. It's something to watch for, and it'll be something we can fine-tune.
As for prepared dishes making for a bloated ingredient list, we've got that solved, I
think. At least as far as prepared dishes bloating it. Incorporating the MC method (food as potions) would not only pretty much obviate much of the scripting complexity, but it would provide the much-sought-after goal of on-demand eating.
For other ingredients, I don't foresee
too much difficulty, but, again, we'll take that as we go and leave the final result up to scrutiny and tweaking.
One alternative concern that I have, personally, is making sure that desirable potion effects are not too easy to come by through all these ingredients (especially when some mod authors make for some rather impressively useful, yet easily-come-by, ingredients). Different people have different standards, but I am shooting for a standard on par with the base game, with a bit of wiggle room where it makes it more fun without breaking lore or overall balance. As it stands, with some of the mods I have used, many effects are cheapened to the point of destroying the special nature of special ingredients. To make up an example off the top of my head, if a piece of lettuce or some flour could be used for highly-useful potions, who would bother gathering rare plants? I want to avoid that, and would personally be very much in favor of making many, if not most, food ingredients alchemically relatively unviable.
- Perhaps rather than concentrating on MORE stuff (i.e. a whole whack o' recipes), it should be a case of TARGETING stuff. Some allusions to race are already attached to some eatables. Perhaps attention could go to emphasizing race-specificity of foods and attending benefits [ . . . ] Also, food gradients... [ . . . ]
If I was to do more work along this line, it would be to incorporate spell effects into the auto-eating scripts as appropriate for the food being ingested. Also, open-ended eating should have its limits after which 'you feel bloated' and cannot ingest any more for a period of time.
[ . . . ] The system suggested by Kovacius sounds Working on up, simple foods such as fruits and plain bread might have mild benefits while complex dishes might stave off hunger longer and even go so far as to provide temporary fortifications. A tweak I am currently trying is the ascribing of alchemical effects to some eatables. [ . . . ]
Excellent ideas. The mild bonuses gained from eating should, again, be nicely realizable by Toccatta's and Drac's food-as-potions method. For raw fruit ingredients, this wouldn't apply, but it would when they are prepared in the form of, say, a fruit salad, to use a current NoM example. So we're on that track already!

But I would definitely like to see what you came up with for the effects to be assigned to this or that dish.
This is doable where appropriate for raw ingredients, though I'm on the fence on it, particularly if we move away from auto-eating.
I definitely plan on writing negative hunger states in (satiated, bloated, and so forth), which would also nicely solve the problem of choosing between "wasting" food, on the one hand, and having to sit there in mild states of hunger until your hunger level warrants it. Personally, my vision is something along the lines of making the hunger/eating experience interactive, with the obligatory elements coming in only through neglect, as in the aforementioned roguelike games (ADOM) and Ultima UW.
This all ties into the auto-feeding vs manual feeding debate. While I like the convenience of the auto-feeding system, MW is, after all, a role-playing game which demands that people make strategically smart decisions. [ . . . ] The variety of foods, the skills to prepare them, their effects, the conditions that bring about hunger, overeating... that can all be made to interplay without, I believe, being TOO intrusive. The same applies to sleep and drink, and, dare I say, even bathroom breaks and six.
- Further to on-demand feeding, I was toying around with and got a kick out of Primary Needs. Its system is kind of neat, furnishing a container into which food is stored and drawn from, keeping track of what remains. Changes would have to be made around encumbrance and other possible cheats, but the simulated eating is kind of o.k. provided it wasn't needed too often. Tiredness and hunger is interval based rather than occurring at a set time. (I did not care for the bottle-filling system, though, which filled too many at a time). I might be worth exploring for usable features. [ . . . ] - As for impending hunger or tiredness without effects, I find the NOM warnings to be quite effective.
I agree with that, though, of course, other NoM afficionados may not have our same threshold of intrusiveness, and so am open to other opinion.
I haven't played with Primary Needs, but I have been planning to check it for ideas. I think we are definitely moving toward interval-based, point-system tiredness and hunger (again, responding indirectly to Melian's comment on this), as the scheduled system is rigid and, at least as far as I am concerned, less immersive. For the impending hunger/tiredness, non-penalty-inducing initial states of hunger, thirst and tiredness will accomplish the same, so, basically the early warning will be based on actual body state rather than set time schedules.
[1] [Stronger/more powerful characters requiring higher amounts of food and liquid intake.]
[2] [Complete Morrowind's allowing two ingreds to be alchemically blended to produce other ingreds with different properties.]
[3] [Baths and lavatories discussion.] [ . . . ] But that's the point of mods like NOM, to add immersiveness to the game experience. I have been using the Bath Mod for quite some time now and find it works quite well. [ . . . ]But for realism and interactivity, it's pretty much a must-have for me.
You'll find lavatories in a lot of Princess Stomper's work and VOM. I have ALWAYS thought that there should be the need for 'bathroom breaks', which would progress along the lines of the other basic needs.
[1] I like this idea.
[2] Something to consider. Could you give a couple of examples of what they do? Kind of reminds me of Tealpanda's Essence Potions.
[3] Well, now it's time for me to concede a point to you, Red Eye: I had imagined this aspect not so much utilized. It's not something I am so much into, but I wholly support developing it within the project (again, though, I am still of fairly solid opinion that it should be a separate ESP).
[1]- paring down the configuration menu... Again, I consider it a lower priority since it rarely happens more than once. It sounds like, in order to appeal to the widest range of player desires, the more configurability, the better. Global city, here we come!
[2] One thing that really does need addressing is the auto-filling of bottles as an option in Water Life. [ . . . ] If auto-bottle-filling really is a desired feature, it should really be stripped from Water Life and migrated to NOM.
[1] Although, to be sure, the main concern is not so much the intrusiveness of a config menu as is the additional scripting superstructure and complexity. But, yes, if there is substantial support for a function, it should probably be kept in where it is not an unduly disadvantageous trade-off.
[2] Hmm... I hadn't thought of that. Good point.
- icons/meshes - again, a blend of approaches is perhaps what's needed. On the one hand, it's nice to have a unique icon for every item for ease of identification. On the other hand, RW (for one) gives identical icons to items with similar effects, helping group them by their properties. Myself, my approach was to, say, duplicate hound meat for use with other similar-effect meats then give the duplicates hues appropriate to their animal of origin; greenish for alit, whitish for kagouti, pinkish for guar. I'm not sure what arrangement I like best, but I do think the aim should be more toward uniqueness.
Part of this is alleviated by the fact that TR provides nice, unique-but-thematically-consistent meat art that makes our life easier. Myself, I favor uniqueness as well. Definitely no icon or art duplication where we can avoid it, and we'll be gratefully accepting submissions of art for things where needed.
By the way, your comment here could be read one way or another -- are you saying you
have made icons or art for different meats with different hues? Hand 'em over!

(If you want to, of course.)
[1]- Perhaps see if you can get permission from Duncan to include Falling Down's falling down feature in the script dealing with fatigue.
[2] There, I've weighed in, now I'll weigh out. It looks like you've got a really solid plan from which to build. Think of this not so much as a list of new features to add, but some random ideas of how related features from disparate mods might be made more harmonious. This is an exciting thing you’ve got going. Good luck!
[1] That's a possibility. I'd want a strong favorable consensus opinion on a change like that, as it is a fairly significant change the general appeal of which I am not certain.
[2] Whew! That took a long time. But the thoughtful response and ideas are much appreciated! :foodndrink:
Hm, I think I disagree with both of you, more or less...
I don't want to be baby-sat by a mod. I want realism (within reason), but when it comes to bathing and sleeping, I'll do it when I please and I'll do it my way - not according to some arbitrary rules specified by a modder. I *really* think that sort of thing should be optional. Making major things like that optional should be quite easy to do and I see no reason not to in any case - if you want them active in your game, just don't disable them.
This is quite well what I had in mind and mentioned to Gluby in numerous discussions. I think the best approach is to make most of the major aspects of this mod adjustable in the configuration menu. I further feel this should be done on an individual basis: Do you want sleep scripts active? Do you want hunger scripts active? Do you want thirst scripts active? (and so on).
A system like this would open the mod up to all types of players. It would then provide the aesthetic enhancement of having placement of bathing facilities, food stores, wells, etc - but they are only effected by aspects that they personally want in there game.
Melian, I'm not quite sure which part you mean when you say you disagree. We're all in agreement, I think, on modularity and each aspect being disablable. The crux of our discussion has been the choice between:
1) Red Eye's proposal: One ESP that incorporates the bathing and lavatory functions and gameworld additions (baths, outhouses and so forth) into NoM fully, but allows each individual set of scripts (eating, drinking, sleeping, bathing, elimination) to be enabled or disabled individually.
... or ...
(2) My proposal: A main NoM ESP with the standard functions currently implemented, and a second, extension ESP that adds the scripts and attendant gameworld additions for the bathing and lavatory functions, both of which ESPs allow individual disabling in the same way.
(In both cases, to be clear, we'd have a main data ESM for base NoM data.)
I haven't been particularly inclined toward those things myself thus far, and, though I'm not opposed to them or trying them out, but I think it's definitely an area more subject to varying opinions, and to being a possible deal-breaker for players, and thus I am in favor of implementing them in another ESP.
Those are the two positions we've been deciding between. Was there something that's not being addressed?