possible perfore issue after patch 1.02

Post » Wed Dec 16, 2015 8:21 am

ive come to notice and trou some testing myself there could be a bug related too a performance drop if you have a follower around or not.

i made a post earlyer today discribing the whole procces why i think there,s something wrong too be as detailed as possible but in the end the post didnt work !?

when i have a follower loading area,s make my playstation 4 jump on PAUSE playing from a save made with an follower result for me in short freesez if im roaming the common world and the game loads events / objects / enemies.

i tested this torough the weekend from save who were clean and saves with followers .

i only starting too see these events after i installed patch 1.02

atm im playing without followers and so far ive managed too keep it smooth .

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Connie Thomas
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