Fallout 4 screenshots and videos are everywhere so why are we waiting for 10 november?
Fallout 4 screenshots and videos are everywhere so why are we waiting for 10 november?
Because, just because some [censored] retailers broke street date doesn't mean everyone else gets to.
If a retailer accidentally gives you a bundle containing it or if you're a reviewer then sure, if not
hmm ok thanks.
graphics looks ok by the way, im sure will be better on good pc.
bathesda censored videos but it is nonsense there is nothing to afraid of...
Those on console will have it one or two days before official release depending on the store they got it from.
For the PC we will have to wait for steam
Or full 10 days as we got proven recently. Seriously always get the PC user blamed and restricted for leaks where it is actually the consoles that are producing this mess that everyone with a open eye could experience yesterday.
When I pre-ordered my PS4 copy it said it will be shipped about 2 days before release.
10th of november is on tuesday, 9th monday and 8th (2 days before) is sunday.
So, I'm hoping that, if I pump up my luck stat, I'll have it in my mail by saturday!
After some thought I realize this is unlikely
Hang in there, my fellow vault dwellers...
Wow, you must have a pretty high luck then Well, Monday is better than Tuesday I guess
Hard copy or pre-loaded, the game will be incomplete and unplayable without downloading the missing pieces on Nov 10th.
This is how Bethesda is preventing early piracy and stores releasing the game early.
You could have a final copy in your hands right now and it would be worthless until Nov. 10th.
Anyone reviewers / testers with a playable copy would trash the favored relationship they have with Bethesda and ruin any chance they have for more content in the future (to say nothing about possible legal ramifications).
One guy did this, but others are unlikely to follow.
on PC will be impossible since we need steam and steam dont let u download it.
Personally it has always annoyed me how games gets late because of reviews I don't even care about.
That's true for PC, but it seems that the console versions are playable straight off the disc without any download, unlock, or authentication.
Its been at least 3-5 people that have leaked info. You have the spanish forum screens, chan screens, two sets (two per set) of hq videos, and then some guy recording character creation / misc things with his phone. it's just going to get worse from here.
there are some small mom and pop kinda video game shops who break the rules and sale the game early for more profit and business for there store.
i personally can wait 10 days no big deal we waited years for fallout 4 so whats a few days right? plus it'll be my birthday that same week on the 12th so this was my Birthday gift to my self lol
It's not his fault. Sorry but if you want someone to blame it's Bethesda. As soon as a full playable version gets out to the retailers they end up in the hand of customers. It has never been different.
Except you are restricted because you are a evil, evil pc player who ruins the whole game industry with early leaks and piracy. Then you have to wait until god Gabe allows you to play the steam rented game.
Why would you be on the forums if you can play the game???! Makes no sense!!!!!