Germany sure has a weird theory on preventing WW3... I don't understand how Germans seemingly insist on dubbing everything and making sure people don't know what happens when you get shot.
But I guess it's better than how violence is okay but sixuality is a big no-no in America.
Order your game from a sane nearby country like Denmark. French and Italian games are dubbed I recall.
Above user, note that the game's language has nothing to do with Steam as long as it's a retail version. The game doesn't have any built-in language settings for game technical reasons and thus English game = English game no matter where you live.
People just draw the line at different points. Germany allows the game but censors the dismemberment, Austrailia has a big debate over allowing the game at all and USA has Mortal Kombat 9 without even thinking twice.
As for dubs, I do wish Germany would stop dubbing everything. Not because I prefer the original voices (I personally hate when people get really anol about voice actors, claiming that voice actors from a specific country are automatically better or some BS) but because if you ask a Dutch person to speak english and a German to speak english, you'll quickly notice that the Dutch guy practically sounds American/British, whereas the German is struggling with the language. The difference is simple: Germany dubs television and movies, the Dutch sub it all. Such a small difference, but it has a huge impact. Seems stupid to continue dubbing everything if it's basically proven that subbing instead can help us learn different languages.
And no, sorry, there's no way to get it in English. Trust me, I've tried. They have our version locked in German.
It's not that bad though. I remember in FO3, I got super pissed off when I found a video of Jericho online and realized his character in the original version was that of a disgruntled, foul-mouthed Boston/New Yorker punk, whereas in the German version, they censored anyone who had a cursing habit, which reduced Jericho to nothing but a tired old man. The only voice actor I really wish I had in my German version is the American voice for Cass. Cass' american voice is just amazing, whereas in ours it's quite boring. I actually prefer Veronica's German voice to the original though.