I have played around 300 hours now of Skyrim with my character and is around level 80. I still have TON of stuff and quest left to do though. I really would like to spice things up at this point, while still being able to continue with my game and my quests without having to start over.. I am using a bunch of mods already but they are all just visual (graphics, Hud, menus)
I heard about Skyrim Redone and how it is supposed to make the game feel very fresh and a lot harder. I also heard you have to start a new game to use it though? Is there any way around that? I heard it was kind of modular so is it possible in any way to insert into my game so I can just continue on but with its changes?
I think it is supposed to change the whole skilltree though, so that might be a problem, but maybe it is possible to just reset my skillpoints and allow me to spend them in the new skilltree?
Or is it possible to start a new character, but still keep your progress in the game? Like you have a new character, but the map is still as it was before, with all the places you have cleared and quest completed and so on?
Lastly, how different is Skyrim Redone really to vanilla Skyrim you who have played it?