They weren't enough, imho. 95 % effectiveness, only made a difference with certain spells, turn undead, frenzy, calm, all the stuff you could only make up to level 25 at the altar. Getting 19/20ths of destruction damage is no kind of deterrent to wearing armour. Hopefully there are enough disadvantages to battlemage/spellsword types to make pure mage worth it. At least the equipping to hands is heading in that direction.
Yeah, I can kinda agree with that. I mean, I saw a difference, but then, only my first character (out of 3) wore heavy armor, so I probably missed things. Doesn't it start out at like 75% though?
So yeah, the gesture was solid, just not the execution. So let's hope the penatly is even greater in Skyrim, I'd prefer that. Though when I think about it, maybe they could even make it apply differently to different schools, like Resotration is still 80-90% as effective in heavy armor, but Destruction is only like 50% as effective. That way you can still use magic to augment/protect yourself in heavy armor, but you'll have to rely on your weapons for damage.