Seems like an odd question, but I wonder if its possible through mods or use of console commands to stop this.
I play a Necromancer type character (Lets just leave it at that, I could go into way too much detail about him.) and after an unfortunate turn of events (two dragons a werewolf a vampire attack and some hired thugs outside whiterun) I am left with two dead followers and a burning desire to take the bodies of my slain foe and stick them in a room in my house mod and force them to serve me eternally.
Unfortunatly theres the whole two minions at once and bodies dissapear thing.
I've heard that they don't dissapear in houses, but I had some guards chase me into Breezehome where I then killed them and they persisted for a few visits then just dissapeared. (A real shame, I had one guard on the table with embalming tools and linen cloth placed around him.)
I also had some Morag Tong assassins in a house mod and the same thing happened. Although less cool, I just stuffed em in a cell and let em rot.
I just dont want to take them and have them dissapear D:<