So, your mod. It adds cool new stuff? Is the point to give the player more XP or is that just a result of the fun new toys and encounters?
I'm kind of curious about it, but I'm more interested in finding a solution to this annoying new development, if possible.. I mean, no way could I have seen this coming. Like you, I scoured the WIKI and places to see beforehand if there was any issues like this and came up empty. I think you're right about most players not waiting, which is why I'm not suprised at the lack of info on it, and probably also why this has snuck up and bit me in the ass.
The faster leveling that happens in my mod is a direct side-effect of being in so many battles, killing so many enemies, and them needing more XP-gaining shots to put them down... Seriously, in some places it's just rabid, like multiplayer Unreal Tournament. Nothing I do in it rewards XP, manipulates XP, or the amount gained from kills in any way, it's all default values. One can easily go up a level or two in hardly any time at all, and that's
minus all the XP the player doesn't get because the mods reward followers are so deadly vicious and take a lot of it.
Yes, it adds tons of stuff. You can still use the default weapons/equipment if you like to die though
I'm sort of thinking, since there's an actual story to my mod and a lot of the action ramps up via quests, that if I can't find a way to code in a cheat to get by this issue, maybe I should just conditionalize the major part of the frenzied action till after the first stage of the BS is completed. Really don't want to do it that way because the story isn't related to the MQ or BS, and I don't want it dependant on that being completed, but I also don't want to inadvertantly disable the BS quests if the player should want to do those too.
I can feel the grey hairs starting already.