» Sat Feb 13, 2016 10:45 am
his base stats are S4 P4 E5 C6 I4 A5 L7
ironically, his name happens to be lucky ba_stard. i renamed him that on my first day when i pulled him from a lunchbox, he was dressed like a king and his luck was the highest of all my guys. now i have several others with 10 on their luck but i kept his name...and he lived up to it
he is level 41 wielding a rusty laser rifle 12
I actually don't know when he picked up the suit, when i checked him it was at 7h 30m and i tried to scroll back through the text but it only goes back 1 hour, so he picked it up sometime before reaching the 6:30 mark.
in my second vault, i had a guy find a rusty flamer 15 in the first 3 hours, i dunno if thats a legendary or not. i've also found ninja suits, survival armor, a second jason vorhees costume ( first one came from a lunchbox) a female librarian dress, a female movie fan dress. ..but those are all blue rares.
eulogy jone's suit is a legendary named outfit, i assume eulogy jones is a legendary you can pull from lunchbox and he comes out wearing it.