..So Your charecter goes off to the north to Find the cabin Only to enter and be Ambushed by 15 Guards...
You wake up In The guard station Confronted by the Captain Of the Guard,Glantius Pentius ... Your strapped to a chair and Unmercilessly beaten for information on the theives guild , where you operate and the names of your leaders (of course they torture you for a long time)
The PC gets the choice ...Sell out your guild, Your friends your assossiates for 10000 Gold or try to escape. Choice 1 : Sell them out : You get 10000 Gold and the choice to go back to the guild and assume a higher possition (AT A SPEECH CHECK) Skipping a few ranks But they may find out about your greed and theconsequenses may be dire. Choice 2: Go to a remote place far away from your guild, with a 5% chance of DB assassins showing up to kill you. Choice 3: Dont sell out and escape *Note* You are badly injured from the interogations and cannot run* : You use your sneaking skill to escape from prison and are treated as a hero when you return..But the guards may go off on their deal and betray you and kill you anyway.
I want opinons people.......