Is it possible to place a script onto an object that would toggle the HUD's compass on and off?
If it is, please elaborate briefly on how it could be done. I am a beginner in the Creation Kit's scripting and willing to learn something I'm not familiar with.
I want it to function the same way when you switch bShowCompass=1 to bShowCompass=0 (and vice-versa) in the SkyrimPref ini file; but it needs to happen in-game.
I am also trying to accomplish this without SKSE. I know of a mod that already creates a toggle via menu options using the script extender, but I want to do it with an item in your inventory without the script extender.
If its not possible, please tell me, and why it is.
Also please refrain from debating on whether or not people should use SKSE; I am only interested in discussing my "specific" topic.
Thanks for reading.