Is there any glitch where, for examplem i can wear two different chest pieces?. Im getting bored of the vanilla choices and want to find something new.
Is there any glitch where, for examplem i can wear two different chest pieces?. Im getting bored of the vanilla choices and want to find something new.
Does that glitch actually enable you to gain the armor (or other) benefits for all of those items at once? If so, this glitch might come close to falling into the exploit category.
Isnt that method obsolete due to the restoration glitch?
with restoration loop you can create powerful potions with only 2 apparels with fortify alchemy enchantments no need for 4 or 5 apparels
just curious what is that glitch and how it works ??
The Jagged crown can be combined with a couple other helms, circlets can be worn with other helms. But I don't know what works with the circlets cause I dislike them and never use em.
Works with an Ebony helm and a Deadric helm as well Sadly it doesn't work with the helm of Yngol
It works with a few others as well. I know you can do it with the Nightengale Hood.
All you need is a Dragon priest mask, the Jagged crown and either an Ebony helm/DG helm/ Deadric helm. Put the Dragon priest mask on then the Jagged crown, then equip on of the other helms. You should end up with the Jagged crown clipping through the second helm you put on, which replaces the Dragon priest mask
That looks like the Helm of Sauron from LOTR.
That was what I was going for The Ebony helm looks more Sauronish with the Jagged crow IMO. I don't have any pics of the Ebony combo though sorry, it's not that easy to do OR remember to take pics with a camera being a console player and all
I know the feeling all too well.
Helps if you have something to mount the camera and aim directly at center. I know a few tricks to aid with this and aid with resolution problems of the picture when taking a snapshot of a screen. PM me if you want some pointers.