Obviously Ulysses wants’ you to repay your debt to him or someone you both knew of which he need's two people to detonate the nuclear bomb as shown in the picture of him and he decides for you (alone meaning lonesome) to help get all the 'normal wastelanders' out of the divide before you detonate the bomb in the divide to kill all the evil and mutated creatures and people left. When you return to Ulysses to detonate the bomb you can have a change of heart, this can trigger a fight between you and him.
Ulysses and you have some dark history which you seemed to have forgot.
Obviously Ulysses wants’ you to repay your debt to him or someone you both knew. This debt you owe can mean Ulysses want's you and him to have a fresh start and needs you both to put your past behind you, a clean slate so to speak? And what happens when you use a nucular bomb? It creates a new slate, a new world and a new life.