I don't have much confidence on google translate though, and some parts of the translation becomes complete jibberish, but I still thought it was worth sharing with you guys. I tried my best trying to compare three different online translators, using my logic and trying to come up with a conclusion. Therefore take the following info with a grain of salt.
If any of you know Japanese, it would be very helpful to skim through the article and help with translation
Article: http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/interview/20110421_441148.html (original), http://translate.google.se/translate?hl=sv&sl=ja&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fgame.watch.impress.co.jp%2Fdocs%2Finterview%2F20110421_441148.html (google translate)
Here's some key parts that I found interesting:
1. There's only one Dragonborn - you.
2. We can go to the world of Oblivion (the Daedric realms) in Skyrim as we have been able to before, but Todd Howard didn't want to comment how much or in what way.
3. There is politics in Skyrim. There are nine Holds and each one has a Jarl (a ruler of the hold). POSSIBLE SPOILER (it's not that serious of a spoiler though, and I personally didn't mind reading it. The "spoiler" is about the two sides of the civil war.):
4. There is no "good/bad" side like in Fallout 3. How you are good you are is determined more individually by each NPC and if you are in a faction that fights against another faction.
5. There are about 30-40 types of enemies that can appear.
6. In Oblivion, characters would suddenly disappeared into thin air when going through a door (due to cell seperation). In Skyrim, characters reach out to the door, open the door, and then disappears.
Here's another article from the same Japanese site:: http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/20110608_451413.html (original), http://translate.google.se/translate?hl=sv&sl=ja&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fgame.watch.impress.co.jp%2Fdocs%2Fnews%2F20110608_451413.html (google translate)
What I found mostly interesting in this article was:
1. The size of the world is almost the same as Oblivion's, but because of the heights are different in the world, Skyrim's world is about 20 percent bigger. There are five major cities, 150 dungeons, and 500 registrered points of interests on the map.