» Sat May 28, 2011 4:38 am
IIRC that's the first lock in the game, and I don't think its possible to fail at picking it. As you found out, you use the skills to get the "lock pick" cursor, but there is also the delayed cursor menu for some world objects. You hold the mouse button down to open the context menu, for the action icons (examine, skill, inventory item,...) Click one and the relative interface will open. You can also use certain inventory items by placing them in your character's "Hands" (the two item boxes you use for mostly for guns); Placing a Stim-pak (for instance) in the hand, lets you use it in combat without entering your inventory, and it makes it possible to stab a friend (or an enemy) with it to have them feel its effects.
*Also you might find a backpack or some cloth bags. These can hold items in them, if you drop those items onto them in your inventory.
** I just had an odd thought....:banghead: ~Is it possible that items in bags are pickpocket proof? (Does anyone know for sure?)