I guarantee that if you had a better understanding of Catholicism, the book would take on a whole other meaning. A lot of the Dogmatic themes only present them self after you compare them to their real life counterparts. Then again i would expect as much from a guy who idolizes Coffee...just kidding.
On the subject of the Book of Eli, the problem for me was the whole thing is just religious propaganda. Plus the ending is so ridiculous its funny.
An inquiry for you though; since coffee has different blends, is it a polytheism or monotheistic based religion?
I figured as much. Then again, I'm not as hot for learning about different religious themes as much as I am for a cup of coffee.

I think Eli had a swell base for a story, if only it had more depth. The ending wasn't the best possible, but I thought it was passable. So many movies today just annoy me, that Eli leaving about indifferent feelings is actually positive thing.
Coffee is coffee (unless it's decaffinated, in which case it's blasphemy and an abomination). So, mono we go.
Dune ... The miniseries on the Sci Fi Channel was more accessible than the Lynch film, though.
I thought the miniseries was brilliant. Nevermind it looking ten years older than it was or the clunky acting, the drive of the story just grabs over and over again.