Gangland (no not the T.V. series about gangs)
This by far is the worse movie I've ever seen. The movie starts out with ice cube and coolio, awsome famous rappers this might be good. Coolio and Ice cube are probabbly the only good actors in this film by the way. Coolio and Ice tea are two new york cops patroling post-apocalyptic new york. They find a woman and a man. Ice tea rips the shirt off of the woman and starts feeling up on her [censored] and coolio starts to question his actions. Then he shoots some guy with the plague or radiation poisoning or something then coolio argues some more with ice-t. Then some guy pops out of nowhere rambles on about lucifer and ice-tea shoots the guy. Coolio and ice-t argue some more then ice-t shoots coolio. Then backup comes and more gang members show up and ice-t gets shot in the back then theres a big shootout. For this film being filmed in 2001 the shootout is like b-rated action film from the 50's-80's everybody is missing then out of nowhere a big brawl breaks out with horrible fighting choreography. This has absouletely nothing to do with the plot and the film goes downhill off a cliff then explodes into big explosion of svckness. Then it takes place in georgia with some scientist guy who gets captured by the villan lucifer, lucifer wants the scientist to develope a cure for the plague for himself. Then the movie starts to take place in L.A. and we meet our one of the dimwitted main character hero with his brother and they get into another horrible shoot out fighting scene with gang members the brother dies and our hero gets captured and thrown into a jail ran by gang memembers. Then he meets Jared our other dimwitted horrible actor hero. They figure out way to escape come up with a plot to save the day. Somehow Jared knows the location of everything and knows about the scientist being held. Then they meet some blonde girl who becomes our third hero. These three idiots decide its a good idea to storm the villan's post-apocalyptic headquarters with just 1 clip of ammo and a pistol each when they have a crate filled with weapons and a bomb. Jared gets captured tortured by the bad guy. Lucifer then reveals a secret weapon of a genetic engineered person with the strains of every prize fighters dna and 3 differnt steroids. Our first hero and the blonde girl then decide oh lets go save jared and use real fire power and this time they have map and decide to go around the back this time. They show up at the complex and they attack the front agian, even though the plan was to go around back, this time with automatic weapons. Jared gets saved by some forign blonde lady he saved escapint from jail. They blow up the place rescue the scientist and its time to go pheonix. The scientist is never seen agian for the rest of the film but they have the cure. Then one of the hero gets shot by lucifers 2nd in charge then theres some chasing and fighting and they get ambushed by ganglanders. Oh then 2nd in command bad guy drives a car into a trailer home and it blows up and gasline gets spilled, Jared tosses a cigarette into the gasloine lights badguy on fire then they back to some abanded bar and lucifer shows up with a big ass revolver he offers to let them go free if they hand over the cure. Jared pushes the blonde ladie out of the way. Blondie lady has a strain of the plague and stabs lucifer in the neck with it and he pukes all over the place and melts on the ground. Jared and blonde lady kiss and head to pheonix. How typical of a [censored] post apoplytic film the guy and girl hero always end up in love and kiss and ride off into the sunset. And that raps up this movie, believe me this movie sounds better describing it than watching it. This movie has the [censored]tiest actors i've ever seen, the worse music and all the fighting scenes are really lame and stupid. I really don't recomend seeing this movie it really svcks. Also none of the scenery looks post-apocalytic green grass normal houses trees. Heres a few clips just to show how bad this movie is: (ending spoiler) (Really bad fight scene) (Funny trailer)
I really don't recomend spending a dime renting this movie if you really want to watch it I warn you its the worse movie of all time. I'd just watch it on youtube if you decide to see for yourself. DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY NOT EVEN WORTH RENTING FOR A PENNY OR EVEN BARROWING IT FROM YOUR FRIEND!