Hello Fallout 4 community,
I'm not sure if I'm seeking technical help or therapy, but I felt compelled to share my story so that others might either help me or at least sympathize.
Preordered Fallout 4 through the "gamesas Store." It arrived on Wednesday night wrapped in cellophane. I eagerly unwrapped it, put the disc in my PC, began the installation process, and typed in the Game Registration Code eagerly anticipating wasteland goodness. However, I was bluntly informed by Steam that my code had already been used therefore I was COMPLETELY SOL!!! They are kind enough to give you a button that sends an email to the address on file in the account in which that code was used which... wait for it... was not my Steam account!
I don't have any idea how this can happen other than via some sort of hack or horrible controls on Bethesda's part of their Vault Dweller's Survival Guides. Either way, its not my fault and I just want to play the game that I paid $60 for... so, I start by submitting tickets to both Steam and Bethesda. Steam basically responds and says, "Not our problem. Take it up with the retailer." Bethesda, 2 days later, has not responded at all. So, I submitted a ticket to the "gamesas Store" which seems to the "retailer" in question. Its has been a full day and no response from them.
Am I crazy to expect that my situation is able to be anticipated and they could have a very simple process for a victim (because, let's face it, that's what I am) to submit their stolen Game Registration Code along with a proof of purchase, have the stolen code deactivated, and be issued a new (VERIFIED NOT IN USE) code so that a HUGE FAN OF THEIR PRODUCTS can ACTUALLY PLAY THE PRODUCT THEY PURCHASED?
I'm so frustrated and feel utterly powerless because not one of the 3 organizations with some culpability in this situation even has a phone number one can call to talk to a human being about the process of resolving the issue. Literally, for all I know right now, it may take me weeks to actually get this resolved.
Three cheers for DRM combined with non-customer service!!!
Rant off. Sorry.