Post an idea for DLC!

Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:02 pm

I think it would be epic if they made DLC that was similar in storyline to the show Lost. Streaming it on Netflix and it was one of the best shows ever (creepy as all **** too).

Other ideas I had:

A time rift questline where you go back to help free the main character from Arena so he can in turn save the Emperor from Jagar Tharn.

Travelling to another Daedra Lord's realm, maybe Hircine, Meridia, or Nocturnal.

Travelling to Akavir to give aid to the Tang Mo race (a beast race similar to monkeys) in a war against the Tsaesci (vampiric snake-like race).
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Horse gal smithe
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:59 pm

Summerset Isles is probably going to be one of the most wanted around here.
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:22 pm

Daggerfall. No idea about a plot, I just like to see Daggerfall/Illiac Bay region in modern graphics.
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:57 pm

Hircine's realm would be fun. Having to be hunted or being tasked to hunt certain people within the realm by Hircine.
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Emma louise Wendelk
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:48 am

Azura's realm. That would make for some extremely beautiful and unique environments.
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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:52 am

Black Marsh! Although I want a game set there(TES VI: Black Marsh anybody? :fingerscrossed: :D) Most of the land from what I know is poisonous to most other races besides Argonians(and their variants) and other extinct species. So the outer/habitable lands could make a good expansion.
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Felix Walde
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:04 pm

on the nord/east for skyrim is an island, that does not seem to belong to any religion. I hope they make it as a dlc that one can travel by boat or ride a dragon.
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:12 pm

dracula style story with a creepy and dark mansion.
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:32 am

The Dovahkiin travels to the Morrowind border, following rumors of a brutal vampire.

Upon reaching the border, he encounters a thick, foggy swamp. Travelling through it, he quickly finds himself lost in the trees and fog. He can hear the howls of wolves, beasts moving through the waters, and other sounds. Eventually, he stumbles upon a small village, in the shadow of a massive silhouette on a hill. The villagers all hide in their homes, avoiding the Dovahkiin, except for one. A man clothed in leather armor, with a crossbow held in one hand.

The man tells him how the villagers are fearful of anybody, for good reason. He was chasing the same rumor as Dovahkiin, and managed to clean enough info off a child to know the current situation. A vampire resides in the castle upon the hill, and has many minions, ranging from wraiths and liches, to skeletons, harpies, and massive bats. To add onto the troubles, a pack of werewolves have been attempting to slay the vampire and assert their dominance in the region. The man is a vampire hunter, and is trying to kill both of the factions to save the villagers. The vampire has been contemplating infecting all the villagers, and spreading his dominion.

So, the Dovahkiin and the hunter have to go try to track the werewolves through the hostile swamp, and make their way through the labyrinths of the castle, through several floors and levels, and confront the vampire.

This could make the game awesome in several ways: -Adds in crossbows for those who care.
-Adds in werewolves for those who want them.
-Possible werebears as well.
-Gothic castle-climber scenario, in a classic '80s fantasy region.
-Van Helsing.
-It has the potential to be a large expansion.
-Could hold a great story.

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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:57 pm

You wake up to find yourself in Cyrodiil, you also notice that you are 200 years in the past... Suddenly someone attacks you! You try and defend yourself but are hindered by... claws!?

It is at this moment you realise you are in fact a weremudcrab.

Your only chance of returning to Skyrim and the future relies upon you terrorising the inhabitants of Cryodiil and forcing them to forever realise how nasty Mudcrabs are.
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:47 am

More Daedric realms!

Edit: Also, Dragon Armor
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Craig Martin
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:08 am

I'd want a questline in an out of the way corner of the map, at the bottom of a very deep mine/cave where you have to fight a group of the Order of The Mythic Dawn trying to reopen a gate to Oblivion. They succeed, and you now have to fight your way out of Oblivion, and can either destroy the realm, or dedicate it to one of the Daedric Princes and have it be your home. Depending on which prince you "side" with, the environment changes (Azura's is permanently twilit jungle area, Mehrune's is the Lava filled hellscape from Oblivion, so on and so forth) and populates with friendly daedra and worshipers of that Prince. If you destroy it, then you get a powerful Sigil Stone to recharge magic items and Magicka (not a lot, maybe 100/50 points every 12 hours).

In short I kinda want a better Mothership Zeta for Skyrim.
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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:28 pm

want to see a dlc featuring the floating city, Umriel. from the book "The Infernal City" the sight of a floating city would be fantastic. and you must have defeated the Dragons (managed MQ, from skyrim) in and to mount the dragons, and fly on top of this floating city.
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:41 pm

An invasion in Skyrim from an unknown race from the far side of the world. I don't know the lore in great detail (like what's on the other side of Nirn, etc.), but it would make for another epic scenario. You could band together the different holds to stop the invasion. Ok, this sounds just like the main quest, nevermind. :facepalm:

How about I'll get back to you later...
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:33 pm

Orsinium - Quests for orcs in which you can choose to fight with them or betray them in the end. Also, there should be fighting pits in there as well. ;)
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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:52 am

DLC for online arenas, that lets you fight against your friends, and lets you bet gold/money or items on the fight. :flamethrower:
And a new online feature cold GODS.
it's basically a feature two chek up on your friends characters to compare restriction. where you look up at the sky / stars, like the perks. there is a feature called gods, that defines how strong your character and your friends are, by and classify them according to level, and dividing them into gods levels.
and if you fight a higer level character in the arena, you earn more gold than if you fight a lower lvl if you win, that is.
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:55 pm

A way to become a bard, and earn a living that way, complete with quest lines.
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sally R
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:38 am

They did confirm that the DLCs would be huge, but few in number. So, i'd either like to see Hammerfell, High Rock (#1 choice), or Summerset Isles. One last dragon in high rock you must defeat after the main quest? idk.
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:33 pm

I'd like a large DLC with lots of new gameplay features, like:

1. Sailing ships on the sea
2. Ability to have children with spouse

I would like to see some place outside of Tamriel, like Atmora.
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:55 pm

As for large DLCs I'd like to see maybe a small part of Morrowind (considering Vvardenfell was only explorable in Morrowind) since I believe there is a trail either in Windhelm or Winterhold leading to and from Morrowind. Or if not Morrowind, I'd like to visit the coincidentally town of Hammerfell called Dragonstar.

As for added features I'd like to see more armor & weapon types, more creatures, more dragonshouts and more unique spells.

Also, Todd said in an interview some months ago that he'd like to see Daggerfall done again.
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:14 am

on the nord/east for skyrim is an island, that does not seem to belong to any religion. I hope they make it as a dlc that one can travel by boat or ride a dragon.

That's Solstheim, buddy. that's where the Morrowind expansion "Bloodmoon" takes place

OT: No daedric realms for a while, please. I would be cool for going back to Oblivion for a second or later DLC, but not the first
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Emmanuel Morales
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:50 pm

I love the Lost idea! This is how I personally imagine It'd play out:
You recieve a letter from some travelers, it basically says that their land has been invaded with dragons aswell, and hearing tales of the great dragon slayer Dovakiin who resides in Skyrim, so they came here to ask for help. If you accept, you then go to meet them at port. If your character is evil, then you'll be confronted by pirates who say they're headed to the same place, and give you an opportunity to join their crew to [censored], pillage, and whatnot. Regardless of who you choose, you'll be attacked by a giant sea dragon. After a fierce battle with the dragon, the ship will eventually be destroyed, and you'll be knocked out.
You'll then wake up on an island with a few survivors of whichever faction you chose as your companions. After that... I dunno, lol. ^_^
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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:56 am

I was going to say solstheim, but that was morrowind dlc :sad: It would be great, considering that it is also a nord homeland.
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:50 am

Horse armor :celebration: But in all seriousness I would love to visit Summerset Islle.
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Post » Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:13 pm

Vivec has been rumored to be missing, and he has been. Since the Heart was destroyed by the Nerevarine countless centuries ago, his God-like powers have been fading with the years. Azura has captured him and bound him to an island north of Skyrim. As punishment, he is forced to become another "Living God" and leader of a group of sub-intelligent savages for however long his powers keep him alive. For decades, the torture of living amongst ignorant imbeciles has driven the weakened Vivec mad; he murders one of them to see what wrath Azura would bestow on him. The Daedra sends Dovakhin, the only current living being outside of the Nerevarine worthy of the task, to give him a slow and painful death.

When you arrive at his island-prison, you must make your way through the treacherous landscape to reach Vivec's village. Once there, he captures you and proceeds to tell you his life's story. Bethesda writes about 30 minutes of well-crafted dialogue to provide lore from the original events at Red Mountain with Nerevar, to the Nerevarine, the deaths of Sotha Sil and Almalexia, his capture by Azura, and then his punishment. He refuses to kill you while captured... he wants his own death. But he also wants revenge against Azura. The choice is yours, which will you give him?

Yeah, I was bored. But really guys, don't expect to go to other provinces. That's what TES 6+ will be for.
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