I'd debate a couple of points, namely that the Capital Wasteland feels empty and that it should look much better than it currently does. While a reasoned argument could absolutely be made for the Capital Wasteland being in much better shape than it is in FO3, equally, one can make a reasoned argument in the opposite direction.
Plus, there's a bit of a difference between a reactor meltdown and saturation bombardment by ICBMs.
I'd also disagree on the "massively buggy" point; it was buggy, certainly, but not massively so.
Also, this
Third, a problem that isn't a bug but is not immediately intuitive: you have to manually activate the DLC from the launcher by selecting the Data Files option and enabling each DLC pack. I discovered this when the game simply ended and credits rolled, instead of moving to any of the five post-game DLC's.
did not happen to me, although I suppose that it's because I was using FOMM at the time.
He also doesn't seem to realize that Broken Steel is the only DLC which would prevent the credits from rolling.

So yeah, I think he makes a fair amount of good points, but I'd challenge a couple of them based on my own personal playing experience.