Well, arguably to saw a bit of it

Though they were preset staging areas for random encounters

FO3 didn't make alot of sense with it's wasteland, it's meant to be 200 years post war, you'd think that wasteland had only been there for a few decades.
NEver rains or snows in the Capital Wasteland, now, dows it? In the absence of much weather, things would remain pretty untouched. Espcially in such an arid, parched environment as the Capital Wasteland appears to be.
I'll have to disagree with you in polar proportions on the mutants in FO3. Three supermutants with Nailboards isn't going to end you if you're wearing leather armour, let alone power armour, unless your research is based on standing still doing nothing whilst drinking a soda through your nose. Ten supermutants were plenty a threat in the originals, the only things you were safe from were the miniguns and flamers, provided they didn't score criticals, then you're going down in one hit, plasma and laser weapons still loved to rain the hurt in PA, and mutants liked to carry these in previous games. A D.C mutant armed to the teeth with a..hunting rifle, isn't going to scare anyone.
Point of fact: I did specify that in FO3, Supermutants are dangerous if armed with BETTER than Nailboards. Perhaps my wording wasn't as clear as I wanted it to be, but that is my intent. Give 'em even just hunting rifles, and you're going to need healing when you're done killing them. Give them BIG weapons, like miniguns or missile launchers, and you're going to need healing when you're done
running the frak away ...!
In FO1 and FO2? Again, once I had power armor and either the .223 FMJ or the Red Ryder LE, I only worried about critical hits, and even then, only if I got hit by more than one between my own turns. Ten Super-Mutants with plasma rifles? Meh, get 'em lined up a bit to reduce incoming fire, and start laying them down one by one.
"Go for the eyes, Boo!" FO3? Somehow running into ten supermutants at once? Heck, at that point even if they DID have only nail boards,
time to prove that Discretion is the better part of Valor ...!
The glow was heavily radiated, but radiation still exsisted in the wasteland.
Negligible amounts of it. The only place in FO1 where you have to
worry about rads, is the Glow. Everywhere else, eh, keep an eye on your rad-count and pop some Rad-Away when it hits triple digits.
And have you actually played the originals? To any extensive degree? Infact have you even played FO3?? Because you got radiated a great deal in FO2, before your character was even told gecko existed, let alone travelling there.
Yes, I've played all three. Extensively. And, again: prior to Gecko, in FO2, radiation wasn't really anything to worry about. Most of it you could avoid by not stepping in puddles of obviously-glowing green goo - or having rubber boots in your inventory, if you HAD to walk through it.
And RadX means pretty much rad immunity in FO3 aswell, the difference being you accumulated hundreds in FO3 to the much lesser sums in the originals, pop two and you're well on your way to 85% resistance.
Say that in an area you're svcking 5/sec from. 80% resistance of 5/sec is still 1/sec - in three and a half minutes, from 0 rads, you've got Radiation sickness. And I've found places where, sans Rad-X, I was seeing 8/sec and 9/sec. Plus, there's that whole zone where you end up taking (unprotected) some 600/sec (the reason you have to go through Little Lamplight, remember? I stumbled across it by accident once. Died within four steps, even at a dead run.
WITH Rad-X and a radiation suit, I think I made it a fifth step.
In FO1 and FO2, ifyou took Rad-X, you were
immune to radiation in
any quantity, not just "highly resistant".
I suggest you go back and play the originals and draw up some more accurate comparisons. You also might want to invest in some patches because your mechanics seem pretty bugged

Basically, what you've said here is: "I disagree with you, Pax, so you must obviously be a moron with no experience, just talking out your [censored]."
Do that again, and I'll get to test out this forum's /ignore-list feature. <_<