First time I played FO2 I made it through the Temple without a scratch. I kited the mobs using the infamous AP backpeddle cheap trick and talked my way past whatshisname. Easy.
Hey now, the backpedal trick is a perfectly viable method for dealing with melee enemies - I do basically the same thing in Fallout 3. (Anyone brandishing a knife at me gets a couple shots in the leg, so that I can just back away and fire at will.)

The plants wee easy too. I took more damage in Springdale, but it only got dicey at the ant bumrush, which caught me by surprise.
Hey, those plants can be really hard, depending on how you build your character.

There's been many a time I've had to retreat and beg Hakunin for some healing. Not to mention trying to sneak past those geckos to save what's-his-name's dog. Those ants in Springvale can be especially tricky, though.
But yeah, all 3 Fallout games, I've found, have a moment where they're really tough and you're just barely scraping by. And then after that it's usually pretty much a breeze. In F2, by the time I got to dealing with the Enclave they weren't much of a match for me (though that's usually around the time Dogmeat kicks the bucket.) I mean, once you get some Power Armor, the only thing that's going to hurt in those games were some random critical hits. (I remember in Fallout 1 walking into rooms full of Bazooka-wielding Supermutants, getting blasted all around by explosions for six turns, and still not taking more than a couple points of damage.)
And in Fallout 3 I'll have a moment around level 8 or so where I've started to exhaust all my ammo and meds (usually because I've been out of town for too long) and I'm having trouble continuing on any further. But once I get over that hump, it's all smooth sailing from then on. (Though I
hate running into Mr. Gutsy when I've run out of EMP Grenades...)
Those tough moments are my favorite parts of the game, though, looking back. But it's also a really tough tight-rope to walk between making the game an interesting challenge and just being plain frustrating. Myself, I find the game a bit easy in Vanilla F3, but I also am not a huge fan of how they increase the difficulty (Mass Effect sort of ruined the whole "harder diffs give enemies more hitpoints" thing - that game just gets ridiculous on the harder levels.) I'm now playing with a mod that slows down how fast I level up, so Normal is actually a bit of a challenge for me at the moment.