Post a screenshot and story of your character, and of course give a comment on them! :wink_smile:
Falreth, lvl 35 nord
Falreth the Daedra Worshipper
I had just crossed the border for Skyrim, when all hell seemed to break loose. I had lived in Cyrodiil
most of my life, but now, hunted like a beast. Damn Imperials, think their so mighty and superior.
They found out, my secret. I was visiting the Imperial City to sell some skins and pelts, rented a room
for the night. But, I just couldn't control it, I just couldn't. The hunger, so strong. My true nature
appeared, I tore several guards and a Bosmer to pieces, never liked those either. Thats right, Im a werewolf.
Been for the last 12 years or so.
I was out hunting in the night, wanted some wolf pelts, their the best for making leather you know.
Then I saw a strange beast, looked like a wolf, but it was something more. I aimed steadely, and fired
a shot. But it jumped to the side and charged straight at me, bitting me in the neck. I tossed my dagger
in it's stomach, several times, until it finally stopped moving. Took me some days to recover, but I
felt stronger, faster, smarter. The first time, I slayed a small village. Men, women, children. No one
survived. But I learned to live with it, I had stepped down a dark path.
After escaping from Imperial City I headed straight for Skyrim, my home country. Been several years
since I had set foot there. I had barely passed the border, when I felt a blow to my head.
Afterwards I woke up with my hands tied in a wagon, not sure what to think. My equipment was gone,
making it hard to do much about it. A couple of other prisoners there too, some guy next to me blabbering
about stormcloaks. I had heard of it, the Nord uprising, don't care much for it, proabely never will.
We arrived at fort Helgen, where I quickly realised my fate was sealed. A hooded man with a big axe,
standing in front of a wooden block. We were herded out of the wagon, when the guard suddenly took an
arrow to his chest. More quickly followed, hooded men jumped out slaying the guards and freeing us.
They were Stormcloaks, wanted me to join them, I refused.
I took some equipment from the guards and headed out for Solitude, had an old friend living there,
he might have some work for me. I was getting closer to Solitude when I saw a big statue.
I had never seen anything like it before. I approached it
to take a closer look, I quickly realised something wasn't right. Something was moving in the bushes, I
froze, when suddenly a Dunmer with a dagger came flying at me. I threw myself to the side, thrusting
my sword through his chest.
He lied on the ground, in a pool of his own blood. He looked mad, his eyes were all bloodshot, his face
pale. He started to giggle, coughing out some words,"You will fail, just like I did". His chest stopped
moving and his eyes closed.
I approached the statue, it looked like some sort of demon. Suddenly it spoke, I couldn't move, it was
like my body was paralized."Mortal, I command you to travel to the city of Whiterun, and do my bidding.
Theres a Breton priest named Azraenel, he has defiled my shrine, kill him. Fail me, and you will suffer."
My body fell to the ground, I was able to move again, shocked I ran all I could, until my legs gave up.
I sat down in the grass, thinking of about what he said, it's either me or him I thought, heading for
Whiterun. I arrived in Whiterun early in the morning, asking a guard where the temple was. I went inside,
a priest was sitting at the shrine in the middle, praying. I approached him, when he said "How may I help
you child ?". Standing behind him I asked, "Are you Azraenel ?", he replyed, cold "Yes", almost like he knew.
I thrusted my sword through his throat, he didn't make a sound. I cleaned my blade, and swiftly walked
out of the temple towards the city gates.
The guard looked at me, asking if everything is alright, I nodded as I went through the gate.
I barely made it past the stables before I could hear someone in the city shouting. I jumped on a
random horse, and rode away. The next day I arrived at the statue, I standing in front of it, I was
paralyzed again. He spoke, "Well done, you did my bidding. You are my new champion mortal. I give you
my blade, it hungers for flesh, use it in my name." A part of the statue opened, revealing the sword
he spoke of. I grabbed it, wondering where I should go next.