Post your characters general equipment

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:55 am

Thanks mate, and yes I love taking care of my mare. I never knew how much fun role playing was. :) I like your suggestions for my steeds name as well, Corsair sounds nice. :) Superian is a great name for her steed, I really like how to get so immersed into the game. That's what I try to do as well. To be honest, I get most of my RP ideas from Buffy;s journal, I'm a huge fan of it. :) Tell her that Grizzly says "Hi." :P

Thanks! As you may recall from Buffy's Journal (Ch 10.2), Corsair was the name of Rislav the Righteous' horse. He was a king from Skingrad's history. His statue is near the Skingrad Mages Guild. He, in a vision, taught Buffy how to instantly recall Superian from any distance - a wonderful special ability.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:30 am

Thanks! As you may recall from Buffy's Journal (Ch 10.2), Corsair was the name of Rislav the Righteous' horse. He was a king from Skingrad's history. His statue is near the Skingrad Mages Guild. He, in a vision, taught Buffy how to instantly recall Superian from any distance - a wonderful special ability.

May I ask how you RP the summon Superian power? Is it a mod, or is there a special way of doing it? Oh, and your welcome mate. :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:10 am


Blade of Woe (for delivering poisons)
Staff of Hoarfrost (24pts Frost Damage/2sec, !00% weakness to Frost/2sec)

black, zero weight robe (no enchantment)
black, zero weight hood (no enchantment)

Enchanted items;
Chameleon outfit totaling 120% (never worn during a fight, but sometimes to avoid a fight)
Gill Ring (permanent water breathing)
Grand Life Detect Ring (permanent, 105 feet)
Necklace of Swords (33% Reflect Damage from normal weapons and claws)
Night Eyes ring (her first enchanted item made from a petty soul gem)
Snow Boots ( black shoes, Frost shield 25%)
Spelldrinker Amulet (25% spell absorption)
Ring of Wizardry (Plus 10 to all mage skills)
Storm Ring (100% resist shock) I don't think she has ever used this ring.
Skeleton Key

Alchemy items;
Master Mortar and Pestle
Master Calcinator
(She keeps the rest of the set at home)

typical Potions;
Fighters Reflection (Restore Fatigue 25pts/38secs, Restore Health 13pts/38secs, Reflect Damage 23%/70secs)
Life Saver (Invisibility 47secs, Restore Health 13pts/38secs)
Mages Melee Mixer (Restore Magicka 20pts/67secs, Fortify Endurance 38pts/125 secs, Restore Fatigue 22pts/74secs, Shield 43%/142secs)

typical Poison;
Mages Bane (Damage Magicka 15pt/61secs, Silence 26secs, Paralyze 3secs, Damage Health 8pts/30secs)

Sundry ingredients for potion-making

27 scrolls
38 keys
31 soul gems

Total weight 166lbs.
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:54 am

Dadric Armor
Dadric Shield
Dadric Longsword
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:00 am

My characters wear very little.

Currently, Ariella prefers the Peacock outfit with black leather boots and stockings, plus panties (of course).

Lorelei prefers the Fae Minidress outfit, but changes regularly due to changing color preferences. Sometimes she'll wear the Freya outfit and stockings.

Momoko is experimenting but can't find just one that she likes. She likes the Fae Minidress and Peacock, but also likes the Short Tunic. She prefers the Red Pumps for footwear (they show off her pretty feet).

All of them prefer the Elven Winged Longbow. However, they also use other bows such as Elven bows or enchanted bows.

Of course, the characters who prefer magic such as Momoko tend to simply use magic rather than physical weapons or equipment, except perhaps jewelry such as rings and amulets.

They also wear circlets rather than shields. Much prettier! ^_^
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Suzy Santana
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:48 am

May I ask how you RP the summon Superian power? Is it a mod, or is there a special way of doing it? Oh, and your welcome mate. :)

No mod required for what Buffy does. Just the vanilla mechanics of the game and some imagination.

Let's say Superian is at the Anvil Stables and Buffy is at the Gottshaw Inn. Buffy lays her map on the ground, clutches a small pouch that contains a lock of Superian's mane. She closes her eyes and establishes a spiritual link with her mare so the horse has some warning. Once Buffy knows that Superian is aware of what is coming, Buffy simply says, "Superian, I need you." She then places her finger on the map marker for Gottshaw Inn. Superian is teleported to her side.

In fact, she is using 'fast travel' to travel to her current location. This transports the horse to her side. She doesn't know any thing about using fast travel for anything else.

There are, of course, superb mods that literally allow you to summon and dismiss your horse. Epona by Alien Slof is a great example of a very, very solid mod with many wonderful features and a wonderful horse.
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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:55 pm


Blade of Woe (for delivering poisons)
Staff of Hoarfrost (24pts Frost Damage/2sec, !00% weakness to Frost/2sec)

black, zero weight robe (no enchantment)
black, zero weight hood (no enchantment)

Enchanted items;
Chameleon outfit totaling 120% (never worn during a fight, but sometimes to avoid a fight)
Gill Ring (permanent water breathing)
Grand Life Detect Ring (permanent, 105 feet)
Necklace of Swords (33% Reflect Damage from normal weapons and claws)
Night Eyes ring (her first enchanted item made from a petty soul gem)
Snow Boots ( black shoes, Frost shield 25%)
Spelldrinker Amulet (25% spell absorption)
Ring of Wizardry (Plus 10 to all mage skills)
Storm Ring (100% resist shock) I don't think she has ever used this ring.
Skeleton Key

Alchemy items;
Master Mortar and Pestle
Master Calcinator
(She keeps the rest of the set at home)

typical Potions;
Fighters Reflection (Restore Fatigue 25pts/38secs, Restore Health 13pts/38secs, Reflect Damage 23%/70secs)
Life Saver (Invisibility 47secs, Restore Health 13pts/38secs)
Mages Melee Mixer (Restore Magicka 20pts/67secs, Fortify Endurance 38pts/125 secs, Restore Fatigue 22pts/74secs, Shield 43%/142secs)

typical Poison;
Mages Bane (Damage Magicka 15pt/61secs, Silence 26secs, Paralyze 3secs, Damage Health 8pts/30secs)

Sundry ingredients for potion-making

27 scrolls
38 keys
31 soul gems

Total weight 166lbs.

Thanks Master Po !!!
I had been wondering for some time what sort of equipment Angel carries. I love the sound of the potions. Wow!!

She is as fragile as a flower and as deadly as a Dremora Lord. Perfect for role play. :toughninja:
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:41 am

The Thief
marsh ranger

light armor

When wandering the wilderness Haa-Rei wears a tan robe, tan hood and sandals-all enchanted with protect. He will change into a black and burgundy outfit with gold-trimmed shoes (with fortify personality enchantments) when in town. He wears 'HistGem' (Sir Amiels ring with resist disease enchantment) at all times so he is immune to disease as well as poison.

He has a white horse called Artio but after a run in with a minotaur lord, she was injured so is resting at the Skingrad stables for a while.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:45 pm

Sorry, double post. :blush:
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:24 am

Ah, another char who takes good care of their horse. :wavey:

Meh, i'll just park Shadow at the stables outside of towns, and trust that the stablehands (who, i think, have been killed in pretty much every town :laugh:) take care of her.

So my character got rid of her unfrotunte vampirism, so the void robe seemed a bit Also bought the Imperial Breaches and transferred it's enchantments to her shoes, which means her town outfit's Personality, Speech and Mercantile bonus adds up to 25. Yes, i'm cheating :lmao:

Also, LAME does nice thing to sigil stones, and with that i was able to make a Bow of Chaos, Frenzy up to level 30 in 50 feet for 30 seconds. Invaluable when facind massive groups of enemies.
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