Post your characters general equipment

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:30 pm

Here is my Breton, Apprentice, Default Mage Class' equipment:
Mankar Camorans Hood: (Arch-Mages Hood, custom enchanted with 10% Shield)
Mankar Camoran's Robe, Reflect Damage 8%, Spell Absorption 14%
Shielding Shoes, random shoes custom enchanted with 9% Shield
Sorceror's Ring: 15pts Fortify Magicka, 25% Spell Absorption
Ring of Namira: Reflect Damage 12%, Reflect Spell 10%
Amulet of Absorption: 20% Spell Absorption
And he uses fists or Apotheosis in battle, or custom spells.
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Richard Thompson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:16 am

My character is a Bosmer mystic archer. Decidedly a glass cannon. She changes outfits way too often to be bothered enchanting any of it except rings or amulets.

Typically she might clear a dungeon in whatever she thinks is comfortable and looks nice, paying no attention to armor rating.

She might be wearing a pair of rings that crank up her detect life to 'oh wow'.

She also carries utility rings for such things as water breathing, water walking, night eye, light - for use when she needs them.

Azura's Star of course.

A nice selection of poisons and illusion spells.

A quiver of decent arrows.

Oh yes, and a longbow that will stop your heart. :dance:
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Angel Torres
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:18 pm

Ok here it is

April's Ebony Boots
April's Ebony Cuirass
April's Ebony Gauntlets
April's Ebony Greaves
April's Ebony Helmet

April's Elven Death Sword
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adam holden
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:55 am

lol i just started a new guy so it goes like: Shirt with suspenders, sack cloth pants, and sandals. my epic weapon is a rusty iron dagger.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:26 am


- Full Legion uniform, with cape (I damn hate it, but I'm doing an Imperial Legion questline and I cannot remove it).
- Imperial Legion Signet Ring (it identifies me as a legionnaire + Resist Fire 15%. And although it identifies me as a member of the Legion, I still have to wear the uniform, it's both mandatory and for roleplaying).
- Unenchanted Gold Sapphire ring (awaiting to find a Sigil Stone of my liking).
- White Rose amulet (modest Feather + Frost Shield).
- Glamdring sword, one-handed version.
- Misc legionnaire equipment (torches, keys, etc).

Plus a Cheydinhal black horse called "Asfaloth" (made essential).
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:09 pm

I play vanilla Oblivion, with no expansions.

Imperial Dragon Armor (for combat)
The armor you get at the end of the DB (I think it is called Blackhand armor. It is for stealth)
And enchanted robes that give me things like extra magicka (for magic combat)

For weapons, I usually either use Umbra, Goldbrand, a regular Deadric dagger, shortsword or Longsword, or an enchanted one.
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:03 am

My Bosmer archer/swordsman. Not happy with the enchantment on my helmet, but it came with it and it's the only glass helmet I've come across so far.

Reflecting Helmet (resist magic 15%)
Light Glass Cuirass (feather 50 pts)
Light Glass Greaves (feather 50 pts)
Glass Hands (fortify strength 10 pts)
Glass Boots of Speed (fortify speed 10 pts)

Thornblade (disintegrate armor 120pts)
Shield of Glass (fortify intelligence 10 pts)
Daedric Fire Bow (fire Damage 40 pts for 1 second on strike)
Daedric Arrows (hard to keep stocked, so sometimes I revert to glass)

Acrobat's Amulet
(Fortify Speed 20pts
Fortify Athletics 20pts
Fortify Acrobatics 20pts)

Ring of Skimming
(Fortify Speed 20pts
Fortify Athletics 20pts
Water Walking)

Grand Ring of Speed (Fortify Speed 10 pts)

I love everything about the speed attribute.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:07 am

My Khajiit assassin wears this stuff. I use a modded black furred race for her.

Battle set:
Morag Tong Armor set (with a mod that changes it color black, simply put the best collection of enchantments an assassin could ask for)
(on interiors) Hands of Midnight (30 sun damage equals :dead: pretty quickly)

Cruelty's Heart
Black Band
Ring of the Vipereye

Sufferthorn/Crimson Eviscerator
Chilrend/Sabre of Slaying (mod, runeskull enchanted, Damage Health 4 pts 30 sec, Absorb Strength 4 pts 30 sec)
Hatred's Soul
Elven Longbow of Soul Trapping (mod, runeskull enchanted, Damage Health 1 pts 60 sec, Soul Trap 60s, perfect for long range sniping)

Town set:
Void Robe (mod) with Robe of Gilb Tongues enchantments (Speech, Mercantile and Personality +10)
Knights of the Thorn Medallion
Sufferthorn, since an elven dagger is the best looking weapon in the game.
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aisha jamil
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:00 pm

Khajiit Ohmes raht.

Saviours hide or Night elven curiass.
Bloodthorn amazon greaves or Chrome amazon greaves.
Blood thorn gauntlets or chrome.
Blood thorn boots or chrome.
Bloodthorn cutless.
Blood thorn shield.
Or a pole arm enchanted blade like a glaive.

Pretty much light and unenchated, as spells and natural abilities do all the work.

Town wear due to the role, and because the outfit looks more clothed than armoured it stays the same for this character.
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:21 am

I ussually wear Brusef Amelions aromr, all the pieces :) with Umbra as a sword. Pretty basic, but it got me through everything you can do in vanilla OB and all official expansions.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:27 am

All orcish armor
Elven Mace
Elven Bow
ammo: Arrow of Cleansing

My final Goal:
Ebony Helm - Water Breathing
Ebony Gauntlets - Fortify Fatigue 25pts
Ebony Cuirass - 9% Shock shield
Ebony Greaves - 9% Fronst Shield
Ebony Boots - 9% Fire Shield
Escutcheon of Chorrel (lvl30)
Ebony Mace +10 fire, frost and shock Soul Trap 1sec
Perfect Madness Bow +12 fire, frost and shock Soul Trap 1sec
ammo: Perfect Madness arrows (enchanted)
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josie treuberg
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:19 pm

This is an old character idea with a new build that I've been wanting to try lately. I haven't done this yet but I will!

Female breton, sort of a battlemage type custom class.

I'm thinking I'll use a Daedric longsword with a custom paralysis enchantment. like Paralyze for 2 seconds on strike. I haven't tried that in oblivion yet but I know it works wonders in morrowind. I think lack of automatic recharging will make it a problem though. But like I said, I haven't tried it yet.

As for armor I think I'll use clothes that have all been enchanted with as shield. That's like 50 or 60 AR I think. I can just use a shield spell to max it out from there with little effort.
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A Boy called Marilyn
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:34 pm

Aradroth, 16th level Bosmer assassin -

Vampire bow of demoralize
- drain health 90pts
- demoralize up to level 25
- soul trap

Cat's Eye (elven short sword)
-shock damage 20pts
-soul trap
-weakness to shock 60%

50 glass arrows
50 elven arrows
Shroud armor
Magnetosphere hood (shock shield 18%)
Gray cowl of Nocturnal
Necklace of heath (20pts)
Ring of Namira
Spellblocker shield
Night eye ring
Azura's Star
Skeleton Key
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:31 am

Mod armor:

Argonian Warrior in Tyrael Armor
Nord Warrior in Black Crest Kit Armor


Dunmer Assassin in Shrouded Armor and Hood

when in public places like tows, my Argonian wears vest of warding, fortify personality trousers, and feather shoes and always has Goldbrand sword

Nord wears light brown linens and pigskin shoes with no weapon or shirt

and the Dunmer wears grey robes and hood in public so he doesnt look so much like an assassin
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:50 am

For my level 3 assassin I wear the following:

Dark red robe hood
Rough leather cuirass
Sack cloth pants
Rough leather boots

For weapons I have:

Elven golden bow
Fine steel brown dagger
Silver shortsword
Iron arrows

I'm trying to get a hold of at least a glass bow of some sort, preferably dark glass but I'd take what I can get.

Also want to find black leather boots and black leather gauntlets. Already have a cuirass I found.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:48 am

I also play a vanilla oblivion and this is about my 7th account started a day or so ago:

Level: 4

Race: Altmer (High Elf)

Class: Adventurer (Custom Class)

-Legion Cuirass
-Legion Gauntlets
-Legion Greaves
-Legion Boots
-Legion Shield

-Steel Bow
-Fine Steel Longsword
-270 Steel Arrows

Anvil WHite Horse named "Elyswer"

Blades Brother
Arena Grand Champion
Fighters Guild Journeyman
Mages Guild Assosciate

Major Skills:
-Heavy Armour
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John Moore
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:26 pm

All orcish armor
Elven Mace
Elven Bow
ammo: Arrow of Cleansing

My final Goal:
Ebony Helm - Water Breathing
Ebony Gauntlets - Fortify Fatigue 25pts
Ebony Cuirass - 9% Shock shield
Ebony Greaves - 9% Fronst Shield
Ebony Boots - 9% Fire Shield
Escutcheon of Chorrel (lvl30)
Ebony Mace +10 fire, frost and shock Soul Trap 1sec
Perfect Madness Bow +12 fire, frost and shock Soul Trap 1sec
ammo: Perfect Madness arrows (enchanted)

Kill Umbra outside of the imperial city. She has full Ebony Armour. I killed her at lvl 2
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:20 pm

I also play a vanilla oblivion and this is about my 7th account started a day or so ago:

Level: 4

Blades Brother
Arena Grand Champion
Fighters Guild Journeyman
Mages Guild Assosciate

Whoa. Level 4 arena grand champion. I just became grand champion at level 32 or something like that (it's kinda funny hearing how great Agronak is at that point considering how easily I crush everyone). I really do draw quests out for a long time :D.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:31 am

vanilla on ps3

lv 33 custom class 'assassin mage' altmer female born under 'TheMage' on 3rd july this year.
Arena GC
Fighters Guild Master
Mages Guild Wizard
DB slayer

current equipment:
DB shrouded armour
sufferthorn (for assassinations only)
deadric mace repaird to 125% and at 90skill
deadric bow enchanted with 20pts for 2 sec fire dmg with 100skill
weightless Black Robe for 'day wear' with boots of springheeled jack
expert alchemy gear for powerful potions
she can wear light or heavy armour at Master level - but no longer needs to (health 500 with really good mage defensive capabilities)

I'm getting her into the habit of 'travelling light' and more carefree now

she has not yet died (ever) since her creation/birth on 3rd july, it can be done!.... :)
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Emma Parkinson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:17 am

My Paladin always carries the following list of equipment.

1.) The highest level of Heavy Armor available to him at his current level.

2.)A variety of enchanted swords, (Umbra for example).

2.) A Black and Burgundy outfit and a pair of Gold Trimmed shoes. (for when I am in cities, be it on a quest or residing there for the night, or when in my castle.)

3.) Different levels of Restore Health, and Restore Fatigue potions.Along with Cure Disease, and Cure Poison potions, and also potions to shield from the elements. I not only use the shielding potions to shield myself from fire, frost, and electric spell effects, but I also role play with these. If in the snowy mountains, I pop a Frost Shield potion, when it's raining I pop an electrical shield potion, to protect myself from lightning. :P All potions are home made, saves tons of gold.

3.) The highest level of alchemical apparatus' available to me at the moment.

4.) A variety of alchemical ingredients.

5.)Until I acquire the Skeleton Key, I carry 20 lock picks at a time. Along with five torches, and 10 repair hammers. I like to set limitations for RP purposes.

6.) LOTS OF BOOKS. :) Just like in real life, I am a reading addict, so naturally so is my Paladin. After a long ride or walk, I will find an Inn or campsite, sit down at a chair or by the fire, and will pop out a book and read it. I love the books in Oblivion. Very entertaining and also very well written. In real life I have two bookshelves in my room filled with tons of books, and I keep buying more. :)

7.) Azura's Star for use in recharging my enchanted items.

8.) Food and drink. For RP purposes, I carry various wines, usually the 399 variants, and I shamefully duplicate them so that I have an ample supply. I also carry breads, cheeses, meats, fruits, etc. :)

9.) A rain robe, for RP purposes.

10.) A basket and tons of apples, ( I have no idea if there are carrots in this game). When I arrive in a city, I walk my horse into the stables, take out the basket, and I place it in front of my horse. I then fill it with apples for my horse to munch on. Still trying to think of a name for her. :)

I could go on and on, having a blast with the game and my character. :)
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maya papps
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:16 am

Nice character developement Grizzly, and yes there are carrots check farms they tend to have alot.
Try "a horse, or my horse".. As in "a horse" is winning the race. Or I like an old rpg magical horse breed called Destrider.

New character.

Blue silks spell absorb enchanted.
Blue shoes.
Blue cloak.
Walking stick ( blue torch light effect ).
Bracelets ( not blue ).

I really like blue.

Out of town switch to peasant clothing.
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Richard Thompson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:48 am

...10.) A basket and tons of apples, ( I have no idea if there are carrots in this game). When I arrive in a city, I walk my horse into the stables, take out the basket, and I place it in front of my horse. I then fill it with apples for my horse to munch on. Still trying to think of a name for her. :)...

Ah, another char who takes good care of their horse. :wavey:
There certainly are carrots in the game!

Buffy's mare's name is Superian. It was created by combining the names of Buffy's father (Superior) and her mother (Terry Ann).

A couple good names to consider for a noble paladin's steed might be Charger or Corsair.
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Isabell Hoffmann
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:31 pm

Mods: For armors, refer to my siggy.

Vanilla: I usually strive for the best light armor I can find. My best equipment I've ever gathered in the regular game is as fallows:

Diadem of Euphoria
Illumni Hood (Light within 40feet)
Grey Cowl of Nocturnal

Savior's Hide
Birthright of Astalon
Perfect Amber Arrows

Massakre Blade (daedrice shortsword with 2s soultrap, 25pts shock damage, 100% weakness to shock for 2s, 100% weakness to magic for 2s)
Storm Bolt (daedric bow with same enchantment)
Escutcheon of Chorrol
Grey Aegis (through an exploit)
Cursed Absorbing Gauntlets
Mirror Shield

Greaves of Purity

Lightning Run Boots
Boots of Springheel Jack

Sorcerer's Ring
Ring of the Iron Fist
Spelldrinker Amulet

Azura's Star
Skeleton Key
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Add Meeh
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:24 am

Nice character developement Grizzly, and yes there are carrots check farms they tend to have alot.
Try "a horse, or my horse".. As in "a horse" is winning the race. Or I like an old rpg magical horse breed called Destrider.

New character.

Blue silks spell absorb enchanted.
Blue shoes.
Blue cloak.
Walking stick ( blue torch light effect ).
Bracelets ( not blue ).

I really like blue.

Out of town switch to peasant clothing.

Thanks mate! I like your character development as well. I like the horse name as well. :)
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Emily Graham
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:26 am

Ah, another char who takes good care of their horse. :wavey:
There certainly are carrots in the game!

Buffy's mare's name is Superian. It was created by combining the names of Buffy's father (Superior) and her mother (Terry Ann).

A couple good names to consider for a noble paladin's steed might be Charger or Corsair.

Thanks mate, and yes I love taking care of my mare. I never knew how much fun role playing was. :) I like your suggestions for my steeds name as well, Corsair sounds nice. :) Superian is a great name for her steed, I really like how to get so immersed into the game. That's what I try to do as well. To be honest, I get most of my RP ideas from Buffy;s journal, I'm a huge fan of it. :) Tell her that Grizzly says "Hi." :P
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