1. CPU: Intel i5 2500K (4.5GHz)
2. GPU: 1GB MSI GTX560Ti
3. LCD: 23" Samsung S23A300B
4. Mouse: Razer DeathAdder V2 (set to 900dpi)
5. Mouse Sensitivity: 25 (in Crysis 2 option)
6. Mouse Pad: Razer Goliathus Control
Graphic Settings
1. Resolution: 1920x1080
2. Fullscreen: Yes
3. V-sync: No
4. System Spec: High
5. DX11: Enabled
6. High Res Texture: No
7. AA: None
8. FPS: 70-100 (in MP using FRAPS)
9. FOV: 70
10. Mods: nanovision brightness mod
Changed the layout for easier comparison. Didn't include RAM, hard drive, etc cos they won't make much difference in FPS.
FPS = frames per second, FRAPS = program used to check FPS
MP = multiplayer, AA = anti aliasing, FOV = field of view(default in Crysis 2 is 55)