-The Giant Slaughterfish (Deep down in some cave)
-The Spectral Mudcrab (Mankar Camorans Paradise)
-The Giant Rat (Basemant of some snob in Skingrad)
Last but not least...
-The Uderfrykte Matron (Near Dive Rock)
No, I didn't roll my face over the keyboard (although the devs probably did), such a creature does indeed exist.
-The Spectral Mudcrab (Mankar Camorans Paradise)
-The Giant Rat (Basemant of some snob in Skingrad)
Last but not least...
-The Uderfrykte Matron (Near Dive Rock)
No, I didn't roll my face over the keyboard (although the devs probably did), such a creature does indeed exist.
I think I read somewhere on the UESP that Uderfrykte Matron is something like The Mother of Terror in Finnish, or Terrible Matron/Terrible Mother.
I could be wrong though.