Post your favourite character that you've made! (Role-play)

Post » Wed Feb 27, 2013 7:32 am

Title says it all, if you've made an exceptionally... exceptional character that too you stood out amongst the rest, post him here! Here's mine:

Name: Meecham

Age: 33

Race: Imperial

Class: Ranger (Sneak, Light Armour, Archery, One Handed, Armourer, Security, Alchemy)

Alignment: Fighters Guild, Mages Guild (as an escort for wizards, mostly) Main Quest.

Bio: Meecham was born in Chorrol to unknown parents (his mother died in childbirth, and his father was killed during a bandit raid) He had always loved the wooded areas of the surrounding forests, and when he came of age he became a huntsman, selling his game in local shops. However, after several years hunting in the forests, he came across a bandit camp, at which three bandits were hiding. The bandits noticed him and gave chance. Eventually, he found himself on a road, where an Imperial Legion officer was passing. He saw Meecham and the bandits and attempted an arrest. The bandits fought the officer, who successfully killed the bandits. The officer then mistook Meecham for one of the bandits and he was arrested and taken to the Imperial City.

He waited in his cell for months, before a guard came to his cell, ordering to stand by the window...

So, let's see your best character!

By the way, if someone knows which book Meecham is from, you will have my unconditional love <3
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Kirsty Collins
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Joined: Tue Sep 19, 2006 11:54 pm

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