» Wed Mar 30, 2011 4:04 am
Choosing a favourite is tough; I like all of them for one reason or another.
Top 5...
1. http://cms.elderscrolls.com/sites/default/files/tes/screenshots/DragonMountains_wLegal.jpg
Love everything about this - the draw distance, the sky, the brooding mountain range, and of course the powerful-looking perched dragon.
2. http://cms.elderscrolls.com/sites/default/files/tes/screenshots/RuinedFort.jpg
Nothing spectacular about this one, it's just such a detailed and inviting landscape. Makes you want to explore that ruin, then see what's over the next hill... and the next...
3. http://cdnstatic.gamesas.com/akqacms/files/tes/screenshots/LakeMountains_wLegal.jpg
Another landscape. I could've chosen a bunch of character or monster screens that I love, but in a way the most important character in a TES game is the world itself. Knowing those mountains -- and even the lake -- are explorable, potentially hiding dungeons, monsters, treasures, and simple world detail somehow captures what's special about TES for me.
4. http://cms.elderscrolls.com/sites/default/files/tes/screenshots/SpiderHero_0.jpg
I love giant spiders as a fantasy monster, so Bethesda were always going to win me over with this one. The axe and armour details here are awesome too.
5. http://cdnstatic.gamesas.com/akqacms/files/tes/screenshots/DraugrSwarm.jpg
I love this one, just because it's pure sword & sorcery goodness. The two-handed pose, and the details and variation of the Draugr (look at their eyes! - and the quiver on the top-left) is fantastic.