Thought it could be nice to see what people here like most of what we've seen so far, and why they like it.
Here's me:
1. http://cdnstatic.gamesas.com/akqacms/files/tes/screenshots/ForestHunt_wLegal.jpg
Beautiful. Stunning. Such great lighting and contrast. Slight blue fog, an orange/grey sky, and bright yellow fall trees, as well as a lonely pine tree. I also love the detail of the landscape in this image.
2. http://bulk2.destructoid.com/ul/199017-/Riverwood01-noscale.jpg
Really like the lighting in this image. Looks like a bright sunny day in a nice peaceful village (Riverwood). I like how the blue mountain in the background contrast to the bright sun shining on the thatched roofs. The screenshot also gives you a great atmospheric feeling of a very alive village.
3. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/2151453-1303417264.jpg
This screenshot was recently posted on TESNexus in... super HD! This is the first picture we get of a sunrise (I believe). I love the vast mountain range. The snow on the mountains also look great, as well as the clouds. The image doesn't look photorealistic good though imo. But nonetheless, it still looks great!
What are your favourites?
For easier/faster linking:
Newest screens: http://www.destructoid.com/elephant/photo-m.phtml?photo_key=177059&post_key=199017
Older screens + concept art: http://elderscrolls.com/skyrim/media/
Full screen compilation: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Pre-Release_Content
First click on a certain screen to get a better view. Then, to hotlink that screen (and that only), right-click on it and then press "open in new tab".