I'd also like some combat application of spells from every school of magic.
Absorb spells probably stayed in Restoration. Destruction and Conjuration obviously have combat spells. They could actually make Burden useful and that would cover Alteration (I know, pretty unlikely <_< ), Illusion's got some good, sneaky sort of offensive spells. If they do some cool spell combining stuff, everything + Destruction spell would probably be fun to use.
Part of me wants Cast on Use enchanting back, part of me doesn't. If it doesn't take up a hand (like, wave your greaves at the enemy or something) then it could solve the issue some people have with the lack of magic in close combat builds. But, would it go too far?
LOL a mage in Morrowind tried to do a super jump.. didn't work out very well for him ;P
Slowfall too then. Ha.