» Sat Oct 23, 2010 8:10 am
What I find is a very useful way indeed to travel around, (always usually on foot), is to have an invisibilty spell at the ready all the time and if I forget about it, which happens now and then, is that I then go into the chameleon state. I imagine the higher the percentage of the chameleon the better. I did make a ring or two myself but the weren't as powerful as the ring I got from completing the task for Meridia I think, called The ring of Khajiiti at 35%, but to get that, there is a fair amount of violence involved. I think the one I made myself went to a maximum of 20% with a grand soul gem and although I have found a few black soul gems, which seem to be pretty few and far between, for some reason they were filled with grand souls, even though I had quite a number of empty grand gems?
I recently did a couple of side quests without firing a single arrow, punch or destructive blast. One was returning the staff of the everscamp to that cave, the name of which esacpes me at the moment, was quite full of Spider Daedra's, Xivilai's, Minotaurs maybe and all sorts. when you are invisible, sometimes you can't pass big foes like Daedroth in a narrow passageway and after trying to leap over them a few times you might have to do a quick reveal and then when they come for you, you can then go invis again and give them the slip. Other times some of them seem to pass right through you, as well as the blades of swords etc without any damage.
I wasn't that comfortable with invisibilty at first when I only got the occasional scroll before I could make or buy any spells, but it is really effective, so long as you don't do anything to reveal yourself or maybe become encumbered just as you are right next to somebody.
But then again, if that happens, you can take a couple of feather potions and if you are quick, they often stop in their tracks.
I deliberately reveal myself now and again to make whatever run towards me and then go invisible and go to the chest that they were standing right next to.
Recently, I have just been opening chests even if they are looking in the direction of it and close to it as well, because when the chest is opened, or you are picking the lock, time is frozen and when you come out of that you just go invisible again and move on.
To get a lot of money quickly and without any need for fighting at all, I would suggest going along to the Imperial City and just get all of the Sacred Lotus and Fly Amanita that you can find there and that can add up to about maybe 8000 gold or so if your alchemy skills are highish.
I'm not sure if you can mix those two together though? Also, I believe you need to be master alchemist to be able to make the resist frost from
the Sacred Lotus and restore agility potions from the Fly Amanita.
Bearing in mind that some Sacred Lotus might need to be kept for making feather potions with as well if you are often encumbered.
Safe and peaceful travels.