I've created an NPC with a Patrol package, and set the Aggro Radius flag on it. With the Weapons Drawn flag set on the patrol package, it's behaviour works well. If I get too close it will aim the weapon at me in a threatening manner. But it doesn't say anything, it just stands there glaring at me. I'd like to make it so that it issues a warning, the same as it would if I were trespassing, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I'm not even sure if this character even has that kind of dialogue to use in fact. It was originally the Bandit/Smuggler NPC from Point Lookout which is a Very Aggressive NPC that will usually attack on sight. I know I can use the GetActorAggroRadiusViolated function in a script as the condition, but how would I go about attaching a specific dialogue to go along with it? Especially if I have to use some other NPC's voice, if that's even possible.
So now I have another problem. It looks like having the Aggro Radius triggered stops the NPC from resuming it's Patrol package. How do I get it to go back to following that behaviour?