Thanks boys. Ironically the standard Windoze 'do you want us to see why this error message occured' actually worked this time.

It said I would need to patch the game and it was a known issue, then linked to the EA site.
Yay for Vista!! *cough* I you were.

So you have Vista.
I think Vista weren't good windows for gamers.
Once a friend came to my house having a Vista Ultimate disc,and I had xp.
He asked me:
Do you want to install Vista ?
And he was talking about them and convinced me to try.
Well I kept them for 3 or 4 months and then went back to xp.
Vista just used lots of resources without giving enough benefits,at least for me.
I couldn't ran many of my older games,and I had to select lower graphic settings to keep a good frame rate at the modern ones.