I made two threads about manbearpig appearing as a hidden reference in FO4, or FO DLC (which I though many would support, but clearly not many on this forum are south park fans), and both were locked. The first was because, somehow, the poll I had on it (which was meant to be funny and all the answers said yes except one, which had a comment about a lack of humor next to it) leads to spam (the moderator said so, at least). On the second, the moderator said not to make another "manbearpig spam thread". My question is, how is that considered spam? Spam is posting links to other sites or in someway trying to get you to go to another site (usually to sell you something), or otherwise repeatedly posting the same thing. A tread about a suggestion of something to appear in a game (which is the whole reason for posting on a companies forum) can hardly be considered spam. I'd like an explanation as to HOW this could be considered spam. if you ask me, i get the impression that the moderators (or at least some of them, since the first was closed right away and the second hours latter, I assume not all of them thought it should be closed) are extremely biased and simply didn't like the idea. I can't believe the lack of humor, or the nonacceptance of anything (even references) not "fitting" in the FO universe on this forum.