When I meant Sheogorath is never coming back I mean the actual Daedric Prince, the other personality of Jyggalag. As in, if Sheogorath never takes over Jyggalag again. But it also seems unusual that Jyggalag can simply leave the Realm, that he essentially created, and what, make his own? Or does he already have one, it's not exactly clear. But it has been a while, I should finish the quest again and listen to what he said. Even if it were true, I would think that the Shivering Isle would be in trouble when the new Sheogorath dies. There are a few other things, but I believe this was already discussed before, I just have to find the thread again.
Jyggalag never had his own realm till he was 'transformed' (I use that would in a general sense), into Sheogorath. He had a sphere of influence, but not a realm. He however attacked/took over realms, apparently in a similar fashion to what we see happening to the Shivering Isles (the land becomming 'ordered').