Hey, long time no see!
Her race? Im not sure yet. Probably something human, but I'm going need to mess around if I want her face to look Asian. So it could be Reguard, or a Nord, not sure yet.
Yea, I was thinking she's gonna be Kill Billish. I've never watched those movies because believe it or not, I get freaked by too much killing in a movie. Strange how in an actual game this doesn't bother me as much.
I appreciate your suggestion, though. It gives me a path to follow. :thumbsup:
Yeah, were have you been anyway? Oh yeah, not to sidetrack the topic.

I would actually suggest either Bosmer, Breton, or Imperial for race. Redguards and Nords are natural fighters, so it would be a waste of attributes. I know you'd be roleplaying, and in roleplay things like that don't matter, but just a suggestion!
I would also recommend taking a look at http://www.20000-names.com/female_japanese_names.htm to select names you may like. The meanings are next to them, so you can pick something appropriate. Also, many names have different variations. For example the names Chiharu and Chihiro have the exact same meaning (a thousand summers).
Also, depending on the backstory, she could have no name at all. My own assassin character, if you remember, is called "Heartless". It is also prevalent in Japanese games and films for certain characters to have these kind of names. (like Cloud, or Lightning from Final Fantasy).
A few of the names I can pick out of the list that seem appropriate are:
Moriko (forest child) - Since your character likes alchemy, meaning she'd have to pick ingredients.
Mayumi (true bow) - Since she's an assassin, she might use marksman skills.
Rin (cold, dignified, severe) - Since she's an assassin, she would be ruthless.
And hundreds of other names mostly depending on appearance. (Example, if she has dark hair, you could name her Tsukiko, meaning moon child. etc.)
I hope this helps.