Well, I'd imagine Tomlong to be the usual to solve this problem so I suppose she may not

but I digress, my companions tail use to be..well...normal length for a Kahjiit...then one day, her tail is stretching like a slinky all over the place, while most times it stetches so far the dpeth of the tail is hardly distracting at all. It usually stretches to thinner than a sheet of paper, however, sometimes, it stretches AND flattens out into a broad, annoying, brown object that follows her everywhere, and can be a very deciding outcome in battle, because its hard to see the enemy since there is a giant brown wall of fuzz in my face!
I tried deactivating the OMOD (as the tail is a custom tail) to reset the meshes and textures, however, I had no luck. The tail still stretches out. Anyone got any idea?
lol title should be corrected:
From Cyrodiil to Morrowind
I knew when I was typing that title something wasn't right, but I have been having a long day, and a offday...so I have an excuse