I believe these sorts of things may already be hinted at. However, I would like to see treasure chests inside of treasure chests inside of treasure chests inside of treasure chests inside of treasure chests inside of treasure chests inside of treasure chests! :chaos:
And inside the last treasure chest is a tiny room with a man hunched over something. You reach in and tap him on the shoulder. Suddenly you feel something graze your neck. You turn around and see yourself staring back. Incomprehensible, brain-hemorrhaging chaos ensues, :chaos: shredding your thoughts and enveloping your mind. All of a sudden the treasure chests begin to slam shut, one after the other, like a chain of dominos falling to the ground, until finally the last one closes, locking you away within your own madness forever. :bonk:
Edit: On a lighter note, I agree with johntown. It would be cool to find maps or clues to treasures hidden withinin items and books. Or even have some of the literature within the game allude to potential treasure located in obscure dungeons or locations around the map.