I have read the brink bible and saw that there are 5 pistols, curious i did some research and found 2 of the in game pistols and both the pre order ones. while watching a choir of guns i saw another revolver .
Of course i have seen the heckler but has anyone seen the other machine pistol?
There's some in-game footage of it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaqCKZOGrZs (from http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1180741-new-gameplay/.) And http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6b125tQrrjU the straight gameplay, and in better resolution. I don't remember exactly where the automatic pistol is, but you should watch the whole thing anyway, because it's awesome.
Also, the gun is based on http://www.fsdip.com/website/VBRBelgiumHome/English/ThePDW792VBRBCompact/tabid/190/Default.aspx (credit to http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1173072-brink-weapon-derivitives/.)
Furthermore, the pre-order guns aren't counted in that number, so there are actually seven pistols; three semi-automatic pistols, a revolver, the above automatic pistol, the pre-order automatic pistol, and the pre-order revolver.