Magick Focused : similar to cobat focused, except for skills considered "magick"
Stealth Focused : similar to combat and magick focused, except for skills considered "stealthy" (marksman)
Now, let's organize perks based on what are they are in:
4 categories:
1: All combat related except for bows & daggers. Armor, etc. is included in category 1
2: Sneak/Merchant/Speechcraft /Bows and Daggers
3: Magic
4: Misc.
Category 1 perk ideas:
Heavy Armor: (FOR ARMOR - lol you should know this

Stiff Mace: ( FOR BLUNT, NOT JUST MACES)You are trained to hold it in a way to make the mace stiffer, resulting in a 25% chance increase of paralysis attack, and you can ignore up to 35% of "Resist normal weapons" effect, but it takes 35% longer to put away/take maces, because you need time to adjust your grasp.
Straight for the Heart:(FOR BLADES) forward power attacks that hit from the waist up, and the neck down, do an additional 45% attack, (from front or back) and also do an extra 65% attack if it is a sneak critical (only from the back) but, all other power attacks (reg power attack, back power attack, side power attack) do 15% less damage each, plus they degrade your sword 20% faster for 10 seconds after using a non-forward power attack
Category 2 Perks:
Silent Killer: (used with all weapons, but it has a 35% chance to fail with any weapon that isn't a bow or dagger/ another light weapons.)Attacks that are a sneak attack and 1 hit kill your target does NOT make any NPC's notice or look for you, unless they SEE the body drop. (or you)
Seer of Chameleons:Anybody using a 50% or lower chameleon effect is seen by you.
Gold Digger If you are carrying a total amount of items that adds up to atleast 2,500 gold (not counting enchanted weapons + items unless you enchanted them yourself) then you gain a 35% run speed and a +15 bonus to barter skill and a +10 bonus to the speechcraft skill
Silent but Deadly Increases damage from sneak attacks with daggers, bows, and any light weight weapon by 100%, but decreases non sneak attacks with this weapons by 30%, and for heavier weapons, the bonus to sneak attack is only 65%, but the decrease on non sneak attacks is only 15%
Category 3 Perks:
Spell Splicer (VERYhigh level perk - you might have to have something like 100 intelligence OR 100 willpower or have done a certain mage related questline) You can splice 2 spell effects to 1 hand, but the do not get the combined damage of both spells. It's something like this:
You have 2 spells to combine
Shock damage 5 points
ice damage 5 points
if you splice it, it will become a spell on your hand that deals 7 damage, and have the effects of shock and ice (i believe shock raises your magicka, and ice slows down your opponent)
This spell can make you combine 2 spells that work used together, together, while allowing you to use only 1 hand. This is so you can make use of weaker spells.
NOTE: This perk will have 2 ranks, the first will allow you to splice a 2 spells and they will keep 70% total of spell damage combined, but you can only use it for 1 hand
the 2nd level allows you to splice twice, allowing you to have 2 different spliced spells on each hand!, plus, the spells keep 80% of damage.
You SHOULD be able to create spliced spells, then when you assign a hand an object, you simply select a pre-made spliced spell by you.
Magicka Reserves You gain a 50% increase to your total magicka (every time you level, you get 50% extra to what you would have gotten), except you regenerate magicka 33% slower, this perk is for players based on alchemy to restore magicka, but want to cast high power spells.
Magicka Restoration You gain a 50% increase to your magicka regeneration (every time you level, you also get 50% extra to what you would have gotten without this perk), except your max magicka is 33% smaller, for those who want to cast many spells frequently.
Category 4 Perks:
Wild Hunter The effectiveness of alchemy items that are found after killing animals increases by 60%.
If a rat meat healed 10 hp, this would make it heal 16 hp
If a rat meat caused poison 10 damage, this would make it poison by 16 damage.
The effectiveness boost CARRIES OVER to potions, so this perk is GREAT if you want to be a mage, but still get plenty of gold (selling potions, because you can get better potions at weaker levels)
Bonnie and Clyde:Guards deal 50% more damage to you if you have a bounty over 250 gold, but you also deal 25% damage bonus to guards no matter what your bounty is, and once your bounty is 250 or more gold, you deal an extra 65% damage to guards.
Gold Hunter Get 60% the normal gold in chests, 50% gold increase of merchants, and a 30% gold increase of non-chest containers.