I'm representing a handful of competitive gamers who are interested in whether BRINK could potentially take off as a tournament game. For anyone who knows anything about competitive games we currently consist of players who have competed or are currently competing for organisations such as Team-Coolermaster, Infused.Tt eSports and The Last Resort. Collectively we have competed at the top of the European Team Fortress 2/Counter-Strike: Source/Call of Duty 4/Quake III scenes and won thousands of pounds in prize money.
We have recently become very interested in BRINK as it seems to combine a variety of aspects that we all enjoy. However we have seen a number of multi-player titles fail miserably on a competitive level for a variety of reasons.
Admittedly we have not read all or watched all the developer interviews so something may have been covered already but we would like to ask the following questions to help us gauge the probability of a competitive community being established.
We would be delighted if anyone could help us but obviously a Dev response would be fantastic

* Will the game have a demo feature for us to review games we have previously played? (This is important because it allows cheat accusations to be reviewed in games where no admin is present, it also allows people to submit plays to be edited for frag movies which is a fairly key aspect of competitive games) If so what features will it offer? smoothing, free look, chase came etc.
*Will the game be easily customizable in order to achieve a high stable frame rate? (This is important because it helps even the playing field and remove any advantage a player with a good PC might have over a player with a bad PC)
*Will it be easy to customize game types/restrict certain weapons etc? (It is important to remove/minimize random aspects of the game or weapons not in the interest of competitive play)
*Will there be a map editor or mod engine available? (These help enlarge the competitive map pool and tweak existing maps for comp play whilst the ability to mod the game means the community can add essential comp features you have left out.
*Will you be sponsoring/supporting online/offline tournaments to kick start the scene, like the majority of competitive developers/publishers?
Thank you very much!