I'ld like to ask a simple question on combact style:
In Oblivion, when you have a sword / knif you could only do a fast attack or a heavy attack and the carachter would continue in auto-mode going right-left-right-left-ri..., you've got the idea. :snoring:
I was wondering that in Skyrim it would be nice to have a combact style that changes depending on what happens leaving the player choose how to attack. :drool:
You could improve setting the 7 standard white weapond attacks ( as I remember they are 7 ): left to right, right to left, ud-right to down-left, up-left to down-right, down-right to up-left, down-left to up-right and lunge. :toughninja:
Using a shield wouldn't change the defense style ( pull up that round metal thing ).
If you use one sword it would defend himself holding it with both hands, and if he uses two swords it would be cool if he defends himself by crossing them.
end edit.
Wouldn't that be totally awesome ????