Faster Response Time: No, i think Sentries should have a set response
As an upgrade though would make engineer turrets more valuable since they stated turrets will be used more as a distraction and not get alot of kills. This would atleast make injuring enemies more plausible for teamates to finish off ect. Just a thought.
Able To Detect Cloaked Operatives Within A Certain Range: I think this is a terrible idea, no offense, as it kills the point of a cloak. One of the main points of the Operative is to destroy this sort of thing, don't take one of their few advantages away. If this is used in conjunction with Spot And Marks Enemies Who Pass By For A Short Period Of Time, it would be ridiculous
None taken just bringing up ideas for discussion to get people thinking about what would be cool to see for abilities for an engineer. On that note however I dont think this would severly affect the abilities/ bring to big a disadvantage to an Operative and his skill set because turrets usually have a set angle they can fire at and usually cannot fire behind them leaving them vunerable. Also would be a set distance some what close to the turret so they have time to flank behind it when they see it from a distance.
Allies Able To Refill Ammo At Friendly Turrets: No, it's not its purpose
Again was just a suggestion because one the abilties of an engineer is to give teamates ammo what if there turret could do it for them and when they took ammo from the turret it drained your ability meter like if you gave it to them.
Increase Bullet Damage: Once again, a certain yes
I know hopefully this is one the abilities because its sounds like turrets may be pretty useless and easily destroyed or hacked from what they have stated.
Spot And Marks Enemies Who Pass By For A Short Period Of Time: Yes, a very good idea, would be a very high level upgrade. Not used in conjunction with
Able To Detect Cloaked Operatives Within A Certain Range
Well considering you can only equip I believe 3 abilities at once (correct me if I am wrong) if an engineer decided to go the route of buffing his turret I think it would keep things pretty balanced and keep them from having all the bells and whistles at once they would have to decide before each game which way they wanted to go. Also there are no High lvl upgrades in Brink since there is no skill tree you decide what you want to purchase out of the list of abilities.
Periodically Shoots A Missile: I would take out the periodically and go with the TF2 option here. Yes.
How was it on TF2? I never got a chance to play dont have a gaming PC and heard it was terrible on console versions.
Self Destruct ( When close to being blown up self destructs sending shrapnel in every direction): I would not choose it myself, but might work as an upgrade. Would need VERY wide range so quite low damage. I think it might work as the engineer decides if he wants to self destruct it.
This would be an interesting concept to bring to the table with friendly fire enabled you would have to warn teamates of what was about to happen. Also dmg would depend on how close/ far away you were when it self destructed.
Firewall ( Makes it take longer for an enemy to hack turret): A brilliant idea
Yea this would be a cool ability to see for engineers to be able to protect there investment when putting a turret out. Just thought of another ability lets call "Warning" which when your turret is being hacked alerts you. Depending on how long it takes to hack a turret maybe doesnt alert you until they half hacked it halfway giving them a chance to finish depending how far away you are.
Also this would allow more abilities for other classes like the Operative giving them an option of lets say "Expert" Hack which would allow them to hack turrets an without it warning there owner.
Another ability maybe for engineers "Shock Treatment" which like the name suggests when an Operative goes to hack your turret shocks them draining there health slowly during the hack leaving them vunerable after the hack if you or someone on your team were able to get to them. Again this could be offset by an ability for Operatives which allows them to bypass defensive triggers when trying to hack. Just some new ideas what you think?
I was thinking of sticking with Good old fashioned killing mines myself
Yea I was just suggesting that maybe for engineers who primary focus would be landmines allowing them to hold multiple types. With limits on how many they can lay of course